How much do people think he’s worth? I’m thinking anything below £3m / £4m seems like a good deal for us, and realistic for us to sign him
I echo the comments about looking out for him and ensuring he's ok so many miles from home in a lockdown environment. I'd hope the positivity of a winning team in a football bubble will help him, and getting a couple of goals should help his wellbeing too. In terms of his development, it's hard to judge what his game is about. We've not seen much of the ball into feet. It tends to be fizzed at him and encouraging him to flick it on. His body strength is clearly his best facet and aided him hugely to just stand there near post and head in a goal that really shouldn't be scored in professional football. He also works hard, so fair play to him, but he looks a million miles of working the press properly as he just gets drawn to the ball whoever has it. But he's on the right lines to do ok. Morris is the better signing though. He's scored very different goals so far and for me, I'd be building him as the focal point of attack. I'd hope that might allow to get Woodrow in the game too.
If he is available for £5m (around $7m) I think the board will buy as an investment. If anything, he's really boosted our profile in the US.
I think £5m is more comparable to our recent figures than the reported $20m figure, anything less than £5m and we've got a real bargain.
How much merch* have we sold to the US of A since his arrival @YTBFC, any news from the sales team? We seem to get a lot of interest on twitter now from over the pond, seen a few wanting links for a reds shirt. * a term used by my 8 year old who spends 20hrs a day on YouTube watching grown ups pissing about with kids toys.
Well since our record remains at 1.5 million for years. It has to be below that. His words were comparable to recent purchases we have paid. So unless weve been paying a million + for players recently to give 7 figure fees, I'm certainly not thinking it's a bank breaker and its certainly not going to be anywhere near 20, 10 or 5 imho
I've seen it somewhere,the fee is 1.2 million pounds.Also the terms of the loan are right to buy so as I see it if Barnsley Can cover wages and he's happy to stay, I'd get him on a three year contract with the one year extension option.
Kane was reportedly 1.2m as was Thomas. So I'd say 2m is 'comparable' to that. Comparable doesn't mean exactly the same, just in the same ball park, which I'd say 2m is really.
Dunno an exact figure, but we've shifted lots of Dike shirts since he joined, and plenty to the US of A. Naturally.
The Barnsley Dugout store in San Francisco is totally out of the XL, XXL and XXXL shirts, but they're doing a deal on Car Tax Disc holders.