They have got more coverage on climate issues then anyone for years. It wouldn’t be the way I’d go about it but direct action works. The Hunt Sabbing I did in the 80s sure enough pissed people off but was part of a movement that changed things.
The ambition on net zero and limiting warming to 1.5c is only to delay the warming of the planet. It would take unprecedented cooperation on a global scale to achieve this. Call me cynical or a realist but I can't see it happening.
No we didn`t do enough then as we haven`t done enough this time Brown was right, enough wasn`t done in the 50 days prior to Copenhagen to set the course for the next 50 years or more.
To be fair a let down tyre is a minor inconvenience, it’s when they are slashed that it gets annoying
Might be minor to you but not most folk,lots of reasons people could need their car there and then,set of idiots with nothing better to do.
Maybe but on the scale of annoying things someone can do to your car letting tyres down in my opinion is on the lower end of the scale , and when it’s happened once most people buy a plug in tyre pump
You're cynical. You might well be right, there's plenty of history on which to base that cynicism. However, whatever the situation faced by mankind so far, we have found solutions. Sitting on your hands and just saying "I'm doing nowt 'cos they're doing nowt" is actually contributing to the problem. We can all do little, seemingly inconsequential things which help. For example, how about living by this rule; if your journey is 2 miles or less, walk, if it's more than 2 miles but less than 5, cycle - only if it's more than 5 miles consider using a car or public transport. If everyone lived by this simple rule, the cut in CO2 would be enormous and the roads would be far quieter and safer, everyone would benefit. This particularly applies to taking kids to or from school....
That's a great example actually, the overwhelming majority of people would not follow this rule if it was presented to them. People just enjoy convince too much. People aren't going to cycle to the shops when they can drive and fill the boot. Luckily it's 6 miles to my sons school so I assume we're OK to continue taking him. In fairness the council pay us to do so.
You can easily stretch 5 miles to 6.... Your son would also become fitter and might well thank you some day for not driving. My kids certainly have, we lived just over 2 miles from their school and they walked. By the way I do practice what I preach, I often go to the shops on my bike, I wear a backpack and have panniers on the bike so I can carry significant amounts of shopping. One thing that really annoys me is the multi-buy offers that supermarkets push - they encourage people away from cycling and public transport into their cars for journeys that shouldn't need a car. There are many aspects of consumerism which do this. I won't respond to any further posts, not because we fell out, it has been a good natured debate, but I think we both know where we stand on this and are unlikely to change. COYR.
We'll you can never have too many of those. Edit......should get away wi that one, the militant cyclist in the thread has announced he's not responding further......