I think you've alluded to something equally distasteful there -the sheer numbers of people, especially on the Tory benches who still refuse to condemn him or find excuses for him. Absolutely sick. No integrity whatsoever. Corrupt, deceitful nasty arseholes. Tits (just thought I'd throw that in as its allowed!)
She might have been a bit wish washy as PM, but got to hand it to Theresa for that statement/ question, especially the feeling in that last ‘ which was it ‘ sentence
Which also to be clear is a lie concerning Starmer and its well documented that he was not involved in the decision not to prosecute. Something the clown must know. But given his relationship with the truth is none existent its no great shock he lied in parliament to try and deflect again
Mays problem as PM was that she was trying to do what she thought was best which was not a no deal brexit of course it was impossible to deliver a Brexit that was not catastrophic and also keep onside the ERG - I dont like her but believe she genuinely tried to do what she thought was the best she could with the cards she had Bozo had no such constraints - just lie to everyone to get it done and worry about the effects afterwards No way would May have been partying in #10 during the pandemic
I have no idea - I think its a historic problem until Bozo it was unthinkable that a Prime Minister or even Minister would stand up in parliament and tell a bare faced lie that was easily proven false. In the rare case that lies were told it was expected that this would lead to a resignation so there is no mechanism in place for anyone to blatantly ignore all that and just carry on. It has to change but its not going to happen with the current charlatans in government
So brilliant he allows Johnson to peddle the lie about Starmer and Saville as well as lie about crime figures. The ONS survey said crime was up 14% not down 14% as Johnson said at the despatch box today. Hoyle's as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
That’s one of my biggest hopes for if Starmer does become PM one day. He could change parliament for the good forever. Whether that would happen or not is debatable but there’s more chance under him than this ****.
Why didn't the speaker pick up Johnson when he was asked if there was also a drug culture at the heart of Government when he replied ask the Labour front brench Personally I thought the speaker lost his way at times
Its totally out of order the speaker lets him lie and doesnt challenge him and ask him to withdraw, but when an MP picks him up on his lies its the MP telling the truth that has to leave the chamber - you couldnt make it up
It’s not the speakers fault, though I think he could do more. The rules of the HoC are designed for gentlemen, who are honour bound to behave within the rules. When they were written, they didn’t contemplate the idea that a lying sociopath could use those rules to create a dictatorship. Most country’s constitutions are written to prevent that happening. I believe our naïveté will either be rewarded with a further spiral downhill, or serious reform. Hopefully the latter.
The difficulty is that to be able to reform in the way that the country requires, the levers of power have to be taken from the tories... who are purposefully making it harder to do with gerrymandering and voter ID. And though trust is falling rapidly, I suspect we'll have the same sentiment with brexit where parts of the country who envy goldfish attention spans get bored and dismiss the seriousness of whats happening. I doubt DePfeffel will be in charge come the next GE, but the tories will reinvent themselves, pretend they've not been in power for a decade and go into the GE fresh with the media all back onside again. What this episode has done is highlight how fragile our democracy is and how easily it can be manipulated.
She was actually a "Remainer" who just wanted the top job when it ecame available (just like Bojo). It was pure hypocrisy for her to lead the Brexit talks. That said, she did, and still does behave with some dignity as we all saw yesterday.
There is a good but depressing explanation here - it turns out if the Prime Minister is a lying lovely person there is nothing we can realistically do as @Donny-Red mentions above