Agree with the vast majority of your post but . Not sure about the infighting turning the voters off tbh . The Tories have been infighting for years and the T May election and stewardship was fraught with infighting and sculduggery . Maybe the reporting of this was played down by the Media and the Labour infighting was played up , in fact very few labour MPs were involved in the infighting than the Tories but Rupert and his mates wanted a Tory Government more than a Socialist one for obvious reasons . It’s a dangerous road to go down by Starmer purging members and ideals who Murdoch doesn’t like , it didn’t work for Kinnock and it won’t work for him. Blair found a way to unite the factions but blew it with his wars and Mandelsons coveting of greed and greedy . There is a compromise but is Starmer the one to unite as John Smith did which enabled Blair to reap the rewards and then smash them ?