Kevin Sinfield Knighthood.

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Superhiggy, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    He was better than the corrupt person who followed him who blew holes in budgets with routemaster buses that were never used and he failed to budget for conductors and £40m on a bridge that never got built because it was flawed. He also wasted huge amounts of money on his lover… while his wife was struggling with cancer… taking her on events across the world and gifting her £100k for her business. And to top it all, he had all the computers destroyed in his exit to ensure there was no evidence to find him guilty of corruption in public office.

    Ironic Johnson also spent around £2m ‘investigating’ Livingstones alleged wrongdoings in office and found nothing.

    Livingstone was far better than Johnson. Sadiq is far better than Livingstone with a much tougher hand.
    JLWBigLil likes this.

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