In Giddings' Radio Sheffield Interview with him (here: he indicates that he didn't at that time know how many refunds had been requested. Either that's not true and he just didn't want to disclose it OR he's incompetent as an effective CEO would ensure they were updated on exactly how many customers had been lost every day. Irrespective of that, at 12:30 he indicates that he'll disclose the number of refunds requested and that's another question, in addition to the source of the £750k payment, we need to ensure isn't forgotten and / or he's allowed to sidestep. As a previous poster has said, have we ever had a CEO whose reputation was as low as this, as quickly as this!
The issue is really NOT the aesthetic appeal or the structural aspect of the west stand. The real issue is the attitude of the owners of the club, their willingness to look after the fans and their motives for closing the stand in the first place. The discussion about the west stand is really the focal point for a wider discussion about the viability and long term future of the club. Many people on here and in the wider community are concerned about the health of the football club under these owners and the closure of the west stand has brought these concerns more into focus. Your argument misses the point imo.
Presumably he doesn't know the answer, and that's why he can't answer the question. Presumably the club don't want to spend money on it because they want to rebuild it, but they can't do that because of the ongoing ownership issues. Khaled is just the middle man really, and he's probably told what he can and can't say about certain subjects. I don't honestly believe he made the decision to close the West Stand all by himself though. Its such a big decision, especially so soon after taking up the role, and I'd imagine something that he couldn't do without the approval of everyone above him.
You could say it was a smidge naive of a middleman to go chapter and verse about how honest and transparent he is given he has nominal control of what he's allowed to say by his handler.
Of course we can blame the owners for closing it , they sold me 3 season tickets for it & closed it after 5 matches , treating myself & others with total contempt , if there were any issues with the stand then they should have been sorted in close season , it smacks of a total amateurish management by the owners. Incidentally if you do not like people banging on about it why do you bother reading this thread ? , to us who it concerns we will keep on banging about it until we get something done about it .
Thing is though Archey, he doesn't know the answer to any questions posed. He's either incompetent, doesn't care or both. This is as low as I've felt since the days of Administration.
I'm not sure that's the case. You've to remember, he's not on the board, he's a club employee. They'll give him the information he needs and that's it. It's no different to Gauthier Ganaye for example; when he was asked questions about financial ins and outs etc, he rarely had the answer. He does come across as being a bit clueless if I'm honest, but I wouldn't judge him too much until he's appointed a head coach and had a transfer window or two, because they're his main concerns I reckon.
You're right mate. However, you sometimes get a "feeling" that something is not quite right at our football club.
His major concern should be pissing off his customer base by lying or being incompetent or negligible. He should be shitting himself every night worrying if someone walking their dog is going to be flattened by an unsafe wall that he's left standing. We SHOULD have a recruitment team who are looking for a manager anyway. In fact we were told before that they always have the next manager lined up in case things go wrong weren't we?
You know my feelings on the owners so I am not sticking up for them but to be fair they may well have a list of managers they want but not all of them will be sat at home waiting for the phone to ring, they could well be in work so announcing a manager until the formalities of negotiation are completed with his current employer or contractual requirements could play a part, or quite simply whoever the choice is may have to work some kind of notice , I do not think its as simple as some expect .
Or need a visa and we aren't announcing anything until we know we can get one - a repeat of the fiasco we had with our 2 Belgians wouldnt go down too well
I don't think it's simple or expected an announcement or anything like that. What I meant was that finding the manager shouldn't be a full time job for the CEO when the club have stated they always have people lined up and we know we use a recruitment team. Other people do the donkey work not him. He should have ample free time to answer the very basic questions he's been asked several times
Season ticket holder West stand lower here. Pre-covid took neutrals to a few games (west ham fan who moved north) and huddersfield fan to their game with us. Both liked it, said it felt like a proper football ground and appreciated how close to the game we were. Weren't just being polite either. Like most hammers I know, he'd love to be back at Upton Park. Terrier has corporate seats at Huddersfield but enjoyed the total contrast. You have an opinion but I think the only embarrassment is that it hasn't been maintained and over half was left empty when it was "open". That embarrassment was replaced by the club treating its fans like cr@p. I've often wondered if they opened the other half how many fans at the corners of the east stand would trade their seats for a seat on the half way line in the west stand and being able to see and hear the goings-on in the dugouts. I agree there should be plans to replace it but I'm not sure its quite the embarrassment you think it is
Bump. Khaled, when will the West Stand reopen? Supporters Trust, do you reckon it might be worth asking him for an update?