Same folk blindly defending the club as usual. I'm all for defending them when neccessary, but to see what has gone off over the last 7 days and then come on here defending their actions is almost sickly. Khaled should have never said who was in the frame, it sets everyone up for a fall. Then there's the rumour (which could have been explained by the club) regarding JFH and the zoom fiasco. It's all very amateurish and tin-pot, yet we still have the same people jumping to their defence. They're like the folk you see at work who are constantly hanging out of the boss' rear end. Call a spade a spade, this Head Coach search has been a shambles, nothing more, nothing less.
The board are yet again being tight wads it's not hard to get a new manager in is it really when you get a proven manager who wants the job compared to a man that's only been in the job for 2 years for me it's a no brainer you go for the first on a 2 year contract for him to get us back in the championship then if that happens get somebody in to work with him and learn the game to take over when he retires again for the umpteenth time and 1 name that comes to mind is John Terry but I know that won't happen because the board won't put their hands in their pockets because for one thing their tight and another is there isn't 1 person on that board that is ambitious all there bothered about is lining there own pockets.
Warnock is off on tour round the country. Bizzare why khaled mentioned him when it’s obvious there is no chance of him coming
Totally unimpressed by Khaled. Just seems out of his depth. The closing of the West Stand was a p.r. disaster. The Watford/ Man City friendly was just amateurish and cringeworthy. Since then he has done absolutely nothing to reassure. He’s been absent except when it appears he absolutely has to come out of the woodwork. Just my opinion but the CEO role should be communication / link to all concerned. He’s just not visible enough. Fans need communication and info. I just don’t think he’s done enough. As for the “let is be judged by our actions” from the last public meeting. Well, I’m waiting for some actions - seen nothing. I’m pretty annoyed that my intention to give this new board the benefit of the doubt, and continue my goodwill and renew was cut off by the absolute lack of their actions. Realise things take time - just really annoyed that the early bird wasn’t extended further (when it would have harmed absolutely no one). Total reliance on the habitual re-engagement of supporters rather than working to make it appealing. The lack of effort is astounding and annoying in equal measure.
I’m not sure how this is necessarily comparable to our situation. They likely had him lined up, they are a much more attractive proposition than we are to a top quality manager. It might be that we are actually having to do some convincing! and of course comparing us to forest (budget, club size etc) is clearly flawed.
Whilst accepting many of the points above. How come it’s going to take Blackpool just over a week to appoint someone and there was an extended BH during that time too. Sorry I’m just going to refer to him as Calamity from now on.
Maybe the hiring of a new manager is down to money! Did they expect a rush on season tickets that would enable them to pay more for the likes of warnock? I heard a rumour we have not got a sponsor on the shirts yet due to sponsors pulling out !
We supposedly had fitness plans in place when the players returned to pre season training last summer. Quite honestly we had probably the most unfit squad in the football league and it was embarrassing how many of those players were struggling after 60 minutes. I wouldn't be saying that's a positive just yet.
Surely it’s a positive that we’ve verbally acknowledged fitness levels and pre-season wasn’t good enough last year, got fitness plans in place, pre-season games organised, and the players are coming back a week earlier than other clubs? Of course it doesn’t mean it will make a difference if the fitness training is no good, but it’s still a positive that we’ve highlighted it and have a plan to start with.