I remember when a very similar job was titled club secretary and remember a bloke called keith holmes doing it and if you had anything to ask you went and knocked on his door, bet you can't do that now
I remember when you could go out and never lock your front door, could go out with a quid, have five pints, fish and chips on the way home and still have change for the bus to work the next morning… Comparing Khaled as CEO to Keith Holmes as club Secretary, or even Michael Spinks or Chris Patzelt who held the same role in my time supporting, is completely irrelevant. It’s 2023, we are competing in the present not the past. Compared to people in the same or similar role at other clubs in the present, he communicates with fans a heck of a lot more than most.
Get off your high horse i am only saying we got to know more in bygone times than we so today, which is supposed to be the age of instantaneous or whatever its called. In other words at this moment we are hearing nowt