Coached and reffed at junior level in Huddersfield league 30 years ago, can confirm it was the parents that were the problem then if you refereed fairly in those days the youngsters just got on with playing and we did get a little respect but never from the parents. Must be a third generation thing now monkey sees monkey does even applys to football
In my day you could send a parent off the sidelines and abandon the match if they didn’t leave done it once myself just caused more problems and mountains of paperwork
When my two played I've met some the best folk you could imagine involved with kids football but on the flip side some of slyiest snidiest c@#ts I've ever come across.....its magnet for shith@uses, 99% on the parents side of the fence I may add..........sithi.
I loved coaching kids football at school but hated the games as it brought out the worst in some people.
The standard of referring as at every level varies massively. We have more mature ref when we can get him he explains every decision to the lads even down to the throw ins black n white throw came off red no10 really is something, would be great if some of the younger refs could go and watch him. The younger one usually fall into two categories some clearly can't be arsed and are just there for the cash and some have all the theorie but don't think they have explain anything. Don't get me wrong I'm not blaming the refs for the parent's behaviour but it sets the tone this bloke has air of authority and fairness and the game is better for it.
My 11 year old got punched in the face and blatant kick off the ball in his saturday morning game. I try to remain calm to not be a nob head parent but its difficult. I'm seeing this at the moment as his life learning and growing up development. The referree was only a child himself with loud mouth idiot parents on the side with some horrible kids on the pitch. What do you do? Quit? Punch back? Argue? Try and have a reasonable discussion with an idiot? I am at a loss but my lad isn't there to be punched in the face.
What you do is get them to do a sly studs in the foot away from the refs. I don't condone violence but sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and let them know you're not tolerating their " tactics". I've been going to sons match for years and have never seen anyone punched in the face though.
The kid should be banned from playing football for a period of time and I would hope the manager of his team sets out what is appropriate and if he can’t accept that he shouldn’t be in his team any longer. It’s got to have a consequence or how will he ever learn.
Same as the kid that punched my son. He was the managers son so after his red card ban there’s no way he won’t be in the team after that.
Our coach has reported the team in his refs report, not sure if it will make a difference. My lad though is looking forward to the return fixture. I did offer him a bit of guidance and advice in case it happens again.
Should be someone at the league level that this should be reported to and dealt with. Doesn’t matter how good you are that doesn’t make it right to start hitting anyone. Makes you wonder why what the kids seen/experienced for it to even cross his mind to be ok to do.
My lad is playing under 9's at the moment around Wakey/Leeds, never really seen anything much untoward, though he's just changed teams and apparently there's one Dad in his new team who's a complete bell. I've seen a few things at Galas with now or two teams having coaches taking it waaaayyyyyyy too seriously. They're not really supposed be bothered about the scores at that age, but of course everyone is. I signed the paperwork for him to change teams today and there's a sheet to sign about promising to be respectful, positive, not have a go at the ref etc, which sounds great in theory... and it says you can be asked to leave, booted off the team etc. Whether these things will actually be enforced when they need to be is another matter. I'm not one for 'getting involved' in stuff, however if I hear any parents telling their kid to hurt my son or there's any violence towards him, I can imagine the red mist will descend as there's absolutely no need for it!