Bit surprised Earache are behind it seeing as they are no longer a metal label.
I have to play too many tracks off their first album at weddings for me to watch them in my spare time. "Human" is the only later song anyone ever asks me for. That first album was clearly a standout to many people.
I haven't bothered buying anything after the first album, but I do think they're a very entertaining live band. They remind me of Queen. Obviously, Brandon Flowers hasn't got the vocal range of Freddie (who has?) but he's a good front man and they have lots of decent pop songs that appeal to many people across the board. We probably take them for granted, they're not cutting edge or radical, just very good at what they do, I can see the appeal and I don't think bands like that come around very often.
I agree. First album took some beating, and they didn't manage it, but they could live off it for a long time where concerts are concerned.
Good to see Marr up there. The Smiths were more than just Morrissey & he is growing old with dignity, unlike Steven Patrick.