That's precisely right. Around 50% of methane emissions come from agriculture. Around 70% of nitrous oxide. And globally, agriculture accounts for around 11-12% of all emissions. Let alone the destruction of wildlife habitat, reduction in biodiversity and run off pollution.
If cows farting is really affecting climate change I'll chop my arm off! What a complete load of twaddle fgs.
Livestock is affecting the climate. Huge amounts of wild land is destroyed every year to graze more cattle. Deforestation occurs so we can plant more non native plant to create food for us... But also for cattle. Losing forest reduces the amount of carbon being taken out of our atmosphere, there are already signs our carbon sinks aren't working and we may have passed a tipping point. But I have to say... Contributing a limb for climate change is a huge thing to do personally, so thank you.
The u.k is not a major contributor in world methane emissions. China is responsible for 10% of the world's global emissions.