That's precisely right. Around 50% of methane emissions come from agriculture. Around 70% of nitrous oxide. And globally, agriculture accounts for around 11-12% of all emissions. Let alone the destruction of wildlife habitat, reduction in biodiversity and run off pollution.
If cows farting is really affecting climate change I'll chop my arm off! What a complete load of twaddle fgs.
Livestock is affecting the climate. Huge amounts of wild land is destroyed every year to graze more cattle. Deforestation occurs so we can plant more non native plant to create food for us... But also for cattle. Losing forest reduces the amount of carbon being taken out of our atmosphere, there are already signs our carbon sinks aren't working and we may have passed a tipping point. But I have to say... Contributing a limb for climate change is a huge thing to do personally, so thank you.
The u.k is not a major contributor in world methane emissions. China is responsible for 10% of the world's global emissions.
Surprisingly, only around 2.5% Edit: By far the biggest is energy, then transport (about half scale of energy)... Closely followed by manufacturing and construction, then around 2/3 lower than manufacturing, you've general buildings, industry, land use and forestry, aviation and shipping, other and fugitive emissions (which is essentially leaks from pipes and storage). Thats just cO2.
Per capita, China is 25th on the list. Apart from little places - like Palau or New Caledonia - the majority of the top 25 are either oil producers (6 of top 10), or westernized industrial nations - Canada, Russia, Australia, USA, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. For comparison, we are 70th and Ireland are 43rd, Germany 40th and France 74th.
I mean obviously, 2.5% of all carbon emissions is a very big number its probably around 1.5 billion tonnes! Which perhaps puts into perspective the huge amount of emissions generated from just our general lives and our day to day choices. If you look at methane (which is far worse than carbon dioxide, though much shorter lived... It lasts around 8 years in the atmosphere compared with cO2 lasting up to 200!), agriculture and fugitive emissions makeup the vast majority, with waste (landfills) being the other significant issue... All other sectors hardly contribute to methane emissions at all. I suppose the good news is if we could get a handle on reducing methane, we could get on top of that very quickly and potentially see some benefit in a decade. Carbon dioxide however is going to be around for several lifetimes even if we ceased pumping it into the atmosphere today. The sad thing is everyone can make a difference. Some bigger than others, of course, but we can all contribute. If we blame it on China and wait for them to do the things we are too scared or apathetic towards, well... It will lead to a climate that isn't that great for human habitation. How long it takes... We'll have to wait and see.
Someone having a differing opinion to me doesnt make me angry , its an opinion at the end of the day. Services wise things have been cut , no 2 ways about it - its the conservative way - privatise everything etc - Labour's way is to overspend. I know many a person that work in the public sector and say quite alot of staff could be ridded of and likewise a helluva lot of people off long term sick without good reason (ie not the obvious such as cancer etc) - the system being far too generous (which without wanting to send your blood pressure even more pumping, is the reason why some go into the job over a private company ). Yes there is wastage in the private sector however the fundamental difference is you or I dont pay for it out of our taxes in a private scheme - it comes from someone's profits. Hats off to Labour for wanting to get ex service men/women off the streets - for people to have served their country in the forces and not looked after - now that is frustrating and could cause folk to get angry about . People having to rely on food banks and not having anything to give their kids at christmas is more frustrating and again could cause folk to get angry about as opposed to an opinion that you dont agree with. At the end of the day, I pay my taxes and I have an opinion - as do you. It isn't a totalitarian state as yet
This is a very complicated argument. I do a lot of work in rural communities & work for some folks who have farms. I also know folks who have owned clubs & live venues in big cities. Neither make a great ROI, based on property / asset values. Both do it as a calling, to some extent, although on paper they are wealthy, if they sell up, or die. At the moment under the revised legislation the club / venue owners are still worse off under IHT. Clarkson, who has weighed in as spokesperson has probably done less for the small farmers cause than anyone though. Him flagging up the IHT loophole has caused many billionaires to buy up farm land. This has pushed up land prices massively. If you are a genuine farmer & want to expand production, the costs have gone up massively to do so. The bloke is only in it for himself & anyone with any sense can see that he is the last person to be speaking out.
I'm not in the slightest bit interested in anything you have to say. Quote me again if you like but I won't read it, as I haven't this.