It is a natural human desire yes. But left unchecked that leads to where we are now where we have a super rich that could not possibly spend all that they have whilst millions starve. It’s frankly trite to brush aside extreme poverty by excusing rich peoples desire to have ever more.
It’s not class war ideals - but resources aren’t limitless, so if 5% of the world insist on having 75% of the worlds resources, there’s not enough to go round everyone else. It ought to be obvious, it’s simple maths. If there’s 12 kids and 12 apples, but Austin and Angela take 3 apples each, some kids are doing without.
It straight up does if you take from one to give to the other. I’m fine with your greed culture, but stop making excuses and just admit you don’t care that having more than your share means others starve.
I agree that there is a problem with the super rich having more than they could ever use but it would take a worldwide revolution to resolve that and I don’t think it will ever happen.
But what happens if Western intervention leads to 30 people wanting apples yet the tree can only produce 12?
Don’t forget to add at a likely time Of recession or depression post brexit... though it’s now a moot point given the insanity of the brexit position.
But none of that is policy. It's conference season, where whole hosts of motions are put forward, debated, voted on. It all is about playing to the party faithful and is the same for all parties. Motions do not become Party policy, policy positions become pragmatic and considered versions. The policy position is to restrict tax loopholes and remove charitable status. Here is the report: Its classic media headlining. They do it all the time, often quoting what an obscure think tank may propose as if its party policy. And they do it with all parties too. I'm not sure there was anything in Angela Rayner's actual speach that anyone centre left would object to?
It really isn’t. We just haven’t lived through nationalisation. Post war this sort of activity was fairly common.
A motion at conference is a million miles away from an greed policy positions. At the tory conference year in year out there is a motion to bring back hanging. That’s not the Conservative Party’s Policy. Labour’s Policy is to close tax loopholes.
Simple maths for a complex issue. A simplistic view for a very complex issue. If want to event start quoting resources, you’re failing to realise that those resources will be gone even quicker because of the exponential population growth...
We do. Unfortunately I’m in no position to prove that, you’ll have to believe whatever you like. But there’s more than enough resource on the earth for everyone, emphatically.
The entire worlds population would easily fit twice into Yorkshire. Now I’m not suggesting there’s no problems in the world due to the number of people, but the number of people who want more than everyone else is a much bigger issue.