So let me get this straight, you want us to be nice to each other & then you talk like a fckwit & stir it all up again FFS
The generation that got "Everything for free" repeatedly vote to stop their children and grandchildren getting what they got for free, while expecting them to pay increasing large taxes to pay for their pensions and social/health care. And I include myself in that - I got free university, although I missed out on the easier access to social housing, enjoyed subsidised bus fares as a kid, etc, etc. (Although I didn't vote against them having it).
Yeah, that's the generation he should be referring to, but I think he might actually have been referring to young people today without any sense of irony...
Actually those of us who are of advanced years did. He has always been a maverick MP,since entering parliament, never promoting bills,always going against party votes. He should have been kicked out of the Labour party decades ago. A man so irresponsible and untrustworthy, idealogically obsessed, concerned with trying to win an argument than bring about any change or improvements. Since 2010, Labour have gone into elections the party and the electorate couldn't relate to. Brown,Milliband and Corbyn were never going to bring about a Labour victory. The people being put forward now won't either, serious candidates are waiting a few years before making moves. The next leader is going to be continually harrased and humiliated in parliament,the majority is too big to have any impact.
LOL !! Patronising or what!! You keep on believing your superior intellect, fighting your class war and see where it gets you. My wife and I will keep on enjoying the sunshine whilst sipping our Prosecco. P.S: Given the age of the internet we have access to the same media and other sources that you do so nothing 3rd/4th hand. As I said patronising!!
Getting things for free is an illiusion. It all has to be paid for be it in higher taxation or something else., In the 70s imortgage rates were at 16-17% You had to personally see a bank manager and be interviewed to (possibly) get a bank loan and even then it was never for 100% of what was needed to buy what you wanted. Income tax was much higher and personal allowances much lower than now and high earners were taxed massively e.g. Beatles and very high earners were paying 98%.Remember the 'brain drain'? As I said, materilaism is much higher with this generation so expectations are higher. Students have always been hard up, even in the 70s, as disposable income for parents was often lower than it is now and parents came from the generation who endured the war years so money was tighter with less savings than than it is now for most working people. Mobile phones and socialising to the degree young people expect to do nowadays was beyond the reach of most people and from most holidays abroad was the domain of the rich before package holidays came along. The definition of poverty has also changed.
I presume the phrase Class War was on your word of the week bog roll, because you've used it about 50 times in the last few days.
Did I call anyone a fckwit ? No, I expressed my opinion which may well be different from yours. What there’s no need for is calling me a fckwit because like the vast majority in this country I see Corbyn differently than you.
Yes, your parents (and mine) paid for us to have some or all of those things - education, social housing, etc. but when it was our turn to pay for those things most of us got monk on and decided not to. "We can't afford it", "who will pay for it", now pay more tax so we can enjoy our triple-locked pension. The under-35s are very, very unhappy with the direction the country is taking and within 10 years they will be the political leaders, so expect things to start to change fairly soon.
The comments under the tweet make similar points to me (and some others) the point being that it can largely depend on where you lose the votes, not necessarily how many votes you lose. The guys post is way too simplistic. For example, Labour could afford to lose substantial numbers of voters in Remain constituencies and still hold the seats due to large majorities. It could lose much smaller numbers of votes in marginals and lose many more seats. The fact the Tories vote share only went up slightly (2.1%?) Yet they ended up with a much larger majority shows the reverse is also true. I found this tweet (on MP voting) quite telling.
Don’t disagree with anything you have put there, my post was saying that the votes in that showed it was not because of Brexit as some have said. I made no reference to seats just votes?
Labour's core voters are increasingly uni educated, well paid, young professionals who care about climate change, are socially liberal, and want a fairer economy. How does that fit with a class war?
The whole thing is complex tbh. So many factors to be taken into account in explaining Labour's loss. Some have been touched on but I think another is that the Labour leadership has failed to come to terms with the 'fact' that a lot of Labour's traditional base support are actually quite conservative (small c). So, on issues like terrorism, law and order and patriotic values many did not see Corbyn as their guy. That's coming from me who liked what Corbyn stood for. He was the wrong leader for the party for that reason alone and it was obvious for a long time in spite of the support he did get from many in the party. Labour has to think of the conservative nature of its working-class base in my opinion. Just relying on the metropolitan left to gain power is no good. Just my view. On another point its not good that if someone makes a point on a thread like this they sometimes still get abuse. A) it's not very nice B) It doesn't achieve anything at all. We all get frustrated when people make points we consider daft (for want of a better word) and it's very easy to go for the knee jerk abusive comment. I particularly find one poster on this thread very objectionable because he just winds people up rather than debating but I bite my tongue and try not to insult or call names. I'm not am angel myself though and have slipped up by overreacting and ended up apologising but it's important that we don't get to that stage. We are all Barnsley fans and if we ended up in the pub discussing politics we wouldn't call each other 'f.uckwits' to our faces would we? Anyway... I'm always correct, so if you agree with me well played...
the opposition missed a massive trick when Teresa was PM. Vote for her deal, watch the ERG continue to tear the tories apart whilst labour sat back. It won’t have changed anything in the long run as she would have pulled it closer to the edge. the papers would still have blamed labour