I've said it before and I'll say it again. America is a third world country with ingrained systematic issues much like north Korea, Russia and China and to a large extent Afghanistan and Iraq but it is tolerated for one reason and one reason only. They speak English.
I've just read that people carrying out mass shootings are doing so in protest against controlling gun ownership, and the way to tackle that is for more people to have guns so they can shoot back. I kid you not. This is what we're dealing with. Complete and utter ignorance from what seems like the vast majority of the most powerful country in the world.
I can just imagine how many more innocent people in the hotel would have been murdered if everyone on the ground started taking aim at the 32nd floor
Sorry I don't agree with such a damning assessment. It simply concentrates on the more unpleasant aspects of the USA and ignores the extent to which many a country's freedom has been safeguarded by them. Ours included. Nobody's perfect, least of all us. Perhaps there is a premier league of non-toxic countries. None of which will have assumed any kind of international responsibility. Good for them.
Some media get told false info by 'whoever' then print it en masse .. then forget to correct it when the dust settles. Iraq's so-called WMD's being a massive case in point ...
I suspect Isis have very little involvement in this however they are still banging the propaganda drum,even giving Refering to Paddock with a Muslim name and his alleged support to the IS leadership.
Isils have been claiming stuff all over the place the past few months...or the media are claiming they have... ironic as They are near to elemenation in Iraq and Syria..
Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, Ireland seem a lot better than us or the USA on the international stage and domestically.
My statement was made with tears in my eyes as I was trying to take in the enormity of what had happened. I make no apologies but maybe it was a bit OTT. I do have friends over there who are decent people, but I can't get my head around the gun laws and the way some people support them. What evidence do they need to change things?
It's easy to make sweeping statements and at times like this understandable. When faced with the woeful lack of education and intolerance of a good 20% of the US population it's even easier. Their stance on gun laws is jaw droppingly insane. We are indebted to them for some of our freedoms. Luckily for us we hold similar political values in the broadest sense. There are equally a large number of countries around the world in asia, africa and south america who are not so lucky and have had democratically elected governments undermined and overthrown by the same USA.
Although I agree fully with more gun laws being brought in , safety checks , licensing etc this was an automatic weapon which is already illegal more laws wouldn't have helped in this case . Take londons gun crime more now than before handguns were banned . France bataclan all illegal weapons. Illegal guns are hard to stop especially with porous borders
He used to be in favour of gun control (such as banning assault weapons). But to get power and keep it, he has had noq uals changing his views, getting support (and money) from the NRA. He doesn't care about people or principles. All he cares about is power.
Most reports suggest it was a legal semi-automatic gun with a legal upgrade to allow it to fire more rapidly. On average there's a mass shooting in America every 9 out of 10 days. That is staggering. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2017/oct/02/america-mass-shootings-gun-violence
And yet some of the gun lobby idiots over there will tell you that Europe is a hellhole and has gone to the dogs, that it's not safe to walk down the street. I know where I feel safest thanks very much.
The only solution in their eyes is for bigger and better firepower. If the "bad guys" have machine guns, then the innocents should have bazookas...