Buy one get one half price ,usually go through 2 or 3 a season but haven’t been able to play for 9 months for various reasons
Day a woman buys my clothing is the day I’ll hopping on the train and pissing off from this planet!!! Right gets on my tits when woman buy there blowks clothes
Shorts and flip flops from Weird Fish. Full on middle-aged dad style but they're comfy as owt. £28 and £14 as they've always got a sale on.
£35 for a blouse from House of Fraser that was reduced from £135. Had loads of compliments at work on it. I wear clothes to death (I’ve a pair of work trousers I’ve had 18 years that I bought for work experience!) I get really upset when an item of clothing becomes unwearable (I have to get Will to chuck it as I can’t bear to put it in the bin) so I’ve decided to buy good quality so it happens less often.
TBF it's not her fault. He just can't be bothered to go in tut shops. I reckon he has a phobia lol. And he's quite happy looking like a two hat.
Socks for me too - 6 pairs for 23.75 from amazon (need to be bigfoot size) They have bamboo in them so I expect they'll be painful to walk in for a while.
I picked up one of the Sheff Wednesday Chupa Chups shirts from a charity shop...they gave me £25 quid as well....spent the money on booze...can't get rid of the bloody shirt though, it's like the monkey's paw.
A fleece jacket for 10 quid and some Chelsea boots for 15. Reduced considerably in online Debenhams sale. Would have cost over a hundred at retail price. However, I didn't like them, so packaged them up to send them back and put them in the boot of the car. Then forgot about them. So now I'm reluctantly wearing them because I refuse to waste the money.
Mrs likes shopping - I don’t She has much more disposable income than me We’ve been together 25 years, she knows what I wear as much as I do.
A belt off Barnsley market for a tenner - trouble is it has got a buckle at each end so I'm losing my patience trying to fasten it.