Becoming a familiar thing, this shareholder/manager thing. Fry, Holloway now Scholes. Do they sack themselves.?
Wonder if Danny Cowley has applied for our vacancy,? It was on the lunchtime news that he is very keen to get back to running an EFL Club following his sacking at Huddersfield. In the intervening period, he's coaching a Junior Girls team in Lincoln and they've won all four of their opening games. Never mentioned his brother Nicky, so it makes you wonder if he decided to strike out on his own.? Personally, I don't like the style of football he plays, so it would be a big no for me.
Possibly because we go down the correct way of employing staff & not the Huddersfield way , if we had approached someone whilst Struber was still in the hot seat, then surely that would have been unethical , just a thought .
We keep coming back to this but seriously has anyone got any actual proof instead of hearsay and speculation, or is it one of those things that if you say it often enough it becomes widely known as fact?
They may have done, but there's a world of difference between keeping in contact with someone and approaching them "inappropriately" for a job. I keep in contact with several people in my old job, but I don't approach them about a job. I just talk socially
Just read an article where he was asked about Barnsley, he said if they contacted him he would talk and then make a decision but had not applied or been contacted
So do you want to elaborate on "contact"? It was non verbal? A nod and wink? Semaphore? Carrier pigeon? You have to be really obtuse to suggest "contact" isn't a form of tapping up. What other reason does a club ownership have for "contacting" a coach of another club (I'm guessing without that clubs permission) while they already have a coach that they did say would always be there while ever he wanted to be (until they sacked him of course, oopsy!) unless its to tap them up? The great irony, despite tapping him up, it still took them an eternity to actually appoint him!
You do know the owners said they kept in "contact" with him, yes? Generally, that means an exchange of words of some variety, whatever the medium used. So can you enlighten me why an owner of one club may chose to "make contact" with a coach of another club when they already have a coach employed? Any idea?
Probably not, but someone must have known someone else at some point. It may just be an innocent passing somewhere - who knows. We can though be certain that they "approached" Struber during the Stendel appointment. Struber said No then, but they kept in touch after, doesn't make it "inappropriate" or "illegal" (in the tapping up in football sense). I'm not condoning any actions here, it's just that some people are assuming it was "illegal" and I'm saying it doesn't have to be that way