Vulnerable vaccinated but you can't sit inside a pub having a socially distanced pint in a controlled environment for months. Probably because sage refuses to take vaccinations into account in the advice it's providing the government for reasons nobody knows.
Yes but there's tens of millions who have had one dose which they now say gives a ridiculously high level of protection in itself
The Pfizer vaccine hasn't been trialled for 12 weeks between doses. No-one really knows how much protection my parents still have. They had their first dose in mid-December and still haven't heard when they are getting the second.
I seriously doubt the reason for a global pandemic of a repository Virus is, some people having gatherings.
That's not the case now. The FDA have published a study that finds with one Pfizer dose, vaccine efficacy of 92.6% after 3 weeks. A two-dose regimen conferred 94.8% protection against Covid-19 in persons 16 years of age or older There's also Israeli data based on 500K vaccinations with similarish numbers after 3 weeks. Quite how long it lasts I think is the missing piece of the jigsaw with 1 dose but they are saying 9 weeks - 6 months+ with two (ie they haven't got to the point in time that the antibodies dwindle) Seems like the data is vindicating the Uk approach.
Various scientists are saying they would assume it will last for a long time though with 1 shot (as is seen with the Oxford). Shouldn't your parents have been given a second appointment when they got the first? I did and I think my parents did.
No they didn't. It may have been because they got booked in for it when my mother phoned the surgery for a different reason. The same happened with the mother-in-law as well.
Mother in laws 2nd dose was cancelled when they were harping on about the north east getting too many vaccines. I presume hers was redirected down south. She's 88 and and had her first mid December, 2nd was scheduled 3 weeks later but like I said, still not had it and not been notified as to when.
I remember now, the same happened with my parents. They had their first jab in mid-December and the second one 3 weeks later was cancelled when it was decided to do the 12 week thing.
as of now there is no evidence to support that given we have ignored the manufacturers instructions. Some initial indications are good but there is no guarantee. The last thing we need to do is change things too quickly under pressure from the media and find ourself back to square one. Fauci mentioning America may still be wearing masks in 2022. Boris can't be following the same path.