Darren Barnard!! A Legend in my eyes if only for that screamer of a volley he scored against Huddersfield. If that had been Messi or Ronaldo they would be showing it for years.
I feel like Hecky has to be above Hourihane and Mowatt on any list. Promoted as a player and as a Head Coach. We’ve never had anyone bring that much success to the football club in both those positions have we? And that first season back in the Championship was brilliant to watch. Sadly he lost the plot a little bit, but he also saw the spine of the team taken away and didn’t have the experience to counter it. People are right though, the legend list has to be exclusive and for players that will be talked about forever by all different era’s of fans. Whitey is clueless by the way. Watson is the best of our keepers to ever put on a pair of gloves
Go...........with what you think you know. I only know what's on the pitch during my time. Spud, McCarthy, Glavin, Redfearn. Hammill nearly made it. The goal against Millwall at Wembley was I think my best BFC moment ever. My own select others are mere favourites. In my opinion.
I did mate. I edited it. And Adam would have to be my favourite player ever after Ronnie! It's an age thing. I CAN remember I had fish fingers for tea though.
Proper Rolls Royce player, didn't have much pace but didn't need it, wherever he was needed, he just seemed to be there...
Well, he was part of an elite group who got us to the top flight, and played there. So I'll give him that. And I felt he was a very good 'keeper in general, but he was barely taller than me and it showed a lot. I get the point that @I'm Spartacus made, referring to Steele's iffy nature on crosses also, but he did super-human stuff that has always stayed with me. Reading away that time, the double penalty save. His debut at Anfield. The way he was treated by Flitcroft and how he remained professional when many would not have. I'd put Adam Davies above them both though. And Heinz Muller. And Brad Collins (hugely underrated). He (Watto) also beat me at snooker up in Royston back in the day. Completely irrelevant though.
All valid points and ones I mostly agree with (other than Collins as the jury is still out for me amongst those names). Maybe with Watson it’s sentimental but he always seemed destined to go on and be our most successful goalkeeper. He also gave me my end of season trophy at Crofton U10’s, so it’s probably that. Muller was phenomenal by the way.
Then played a 40 yard pass with a bit of back spin to put Currie clean through. His game was 30 years ahead of his time.
Murphy Rimmington Winstanley Glavin Hammil That's it, others are great players and people that did great things for our club who will always be loved but the above 5 are legends.
Muller was amazing, yeah, but Watson was just a shade better in my opinion, yes his cross claiming might have been a tad suspect but I can't remember a better shot stopper.