I saw some polling that suggested that: if Labour stayed neutral, it would lose ~18% of its vote to LDems. if Labour came out for Remain, it would lose less than half that to BxP Ltd but gain more back from LDems.
Being Labour all my life. Could not give a Fuk about Corbyn and his cronies the Momentum. Will vote for whoever looks like getting us out of Europe and its merry go round money wasting set up
On another note ? If you vote Labour you are not voting for the working class no more. You are putting in power a guy who is the biggest **** stirrer over the years and is a mannequin with his strings being pulled by momentum He will definitely bankrupt this country and most of what he says he will do is total ********. Ex labour supporter
Speaking to alot of fowk in and around this area a lot are going to vote either brexit party or tory. Never ok my lifetime would I expect to walk around villages such as darfield, grimey and goli and hear people quite openly admit that they'll vote conservative. I think that alone shows how much people around the north have a strong disliking towards corbyn. I must admit, I hate the man, infact I'll go as far as saying hes a scumbag of the highest order. It's a shame to see what's happened to labour, it really is. For the few, not the many. Again, when the elections come back around I doubt I will vote. What's the point? Weve seen over the last 3 years that our vote counts for nothing. It needs shaking up, modernising etc.
I like the Labour non-committal manifesto. It's losing them remain votes. People who want to leave will swallow their pride and vote Conservative.
there really is no hope. brexit party, run by a rich privately educated career politician, or the Tories run by a rich privileged liar... both pretending to be on your side, i just dont get it.... i ask myself why would people vote for either of these 2 in our area, im keen to try and understand if im missing something, but all i can see is that neither of them give a flying toss about about any of us in our area. neither of them care about the things that have been traditionally important to our area. neither of them could point to us on map without being shown. Yet people still seem to think they are going to help them out, they are going to make their lives better.... very strange times when chuffing brexit and its total unimportance to the majority of folks lives seems to be the key driver to making our area and our people behave like this.
The notion of negotiating an exit deal then debating whether to support it is absolutely bizarre and makes no sense at all. The only people supporting it are out and out corbynites. If the tories came out with such a ludicrous position, labour voters would rightly be decrying its absurdity. It smacks of vote desperation, not of setting a stance on its beliefs as a party. You either support remaining, or you support leaving in some fashion. That’s why I believe labour will be obliterated at the next GE. You can’t be all things, and if you’re nothing, that’s even worse.
If you want to remain vote Lib Dem. It isn't a trick. That's the problem with the Lib Dems their policies always seem too good to be true.
As Lib Dem’s are the only party I can vote for that supports remaining (greens too, but they sadly won’t translate votes to seats) that’s the choice I’m left with. Millions were conned in thinking labour was a remain party at the last election allowing misquotes of 80% of votes went to parties supporting brexit. That won’t happen in 2019.
If Labour are obliterated (they won't be IMO) then the only outcome is Brexit. The only way to stop Brexit is to vote for the party most likely to beat the Conservatives or Brexit Party in your constituency. The Lib Dems, Labour and Greens need to work together. Labour can only come out for Remain if the Lib Dems don't stand against them in areas such as Barnsley so that they can see off the Brexit vote. Similarly Labour need to stand down in areas where the Lib Dems can beat the Tories. The price to get there would likely be a referendum but its the only realistic route to Remain anyway. They all need to see this as a one off general election with a one off opportunity to Remain. But it won't happen, because although the Lib Dems are in effect a single issue party right now they won't be pragmatic and have got excited by the prospect of making big gains. But unfortunately for them they won't be anything like as big as required to stop Brexit. If they're really serious about stopping Brexit they need to start working behind the scenes.
They are a remain party that understand there has to be a way forward that respects the fact a referendum took place, and needs to consider they represent a lot of constituencies that voted leave. Hence my suggestion that the Lib Dems can give them the opportunity to be unequivocal on their position. I know you're a strong remainer, and I would like us to remain. But it's not going to happen without Labour and the Lib Dens working together
I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're in a minority of people (in this area) withbthe way you think. I personally like to hear from both sides as in completely neutral to it. If I'm honest I dont care which way it goes, theres pros and cons to each. The problem I have is that both sides are littered with propaganda, lies, extremist like views. I cant relate to any of it, what will be will be. Solong as my kids got a roof over his head then I'm happy, the rest doesnt really matter to me.
that’s why, just for the reasons you stated people shouldn’t be voting with brexit in mind. It doesn’t make sense for a start but lots of people in our area seem too pig headed to see!
I think you've probably hit the nail on the head...the Lib Dems were always a party that realised their electoral limitations and remained above the arrogance of the big two parties. It appears to me that a few high profile defections and a couple of bye election victories have gone to their head, personally I can't see Chukka Umunna, Sarah Wollaston or Angela Smith being major electoral assets....and Jo Swinson under close questioning looks a liability. My guess is they mistakenly think the wind is in their sails and won't want to entertain deals...certainly large scale deals.
Why has Britain to be penalised to the tune of £10 or £12 Billion per year - just because we have an enterprising economy? What other EU country is penalised as much? I’ve met up with a relative who lives in Spain over this last couple of weeks. She has been telling me how difficult it is in Spain - and the jobs for the boys attitude of the economy. No wonder there is 34% youth unemployment.
The members may be remain, but corbyn McCluskey and Milne are not. If you think that means labour is pro remain, more fool you. Labour have just lost millions of voters with this desperate union biased coup against 90% of its members. Democracy. If your name was mugabe, maybe.