But if you want to play you try your best with the opportunities presented to you and I don’t think Iseka has done that . He seems a player that believes all the hype when he’s done well that he thinks he should be automatic selection . Trouble is without the application he’s not all that and imo he needs to learn that quickly .
Why? He's got a right to reply to all the dirt thrown at him for the past few months surely? I am surprised he kept quiet so long.
For a poster who stands up for mental health how would you feel if your manager publicly treated you as Duff has treated Iseka?
There’s no reason why the club wouldn’t play him if he was deemed up to it. If he plays and does well/scores, the club benefit and the player gets more interest for the move. It’s win-win. So if he’s not being picked, it’s because he’s not putting the effort in, can’t do the role he’s asked to do, or it’s a contractural issue. He has skill, he’s shown it. It’s the inconsistent application of it - which the player admitted himself pre-season that he struggled last season. He’s just welcomed a new baby into his life too - so perhaps there’s more issues there too. IMO, it’s the tracking back and pressing he’ll have to do that’s probably the issue. But, the club signed him for a similar system last year, so nothing has changed really.
The truth is, we don't know. We only hear one side and the majority view gets tainted. It's not right.
And that tells me a lot , along with his performances when he has , He’s been invisible twenty five minutes after starting a game and hasn’t pulled many trees up when on as a sub .
With our track record of miss treatment of players since these owners nobody should be surprised. Like I said I don't have any close sources but i said yesterday the club are telling some porkies about him that's a fact. Not sure if duff is the one to blame though as if he does his own things. He will be shown the door
How has he gone from this to where we are now? can only be due to us having to fork out more money if he plays. No doubt we owe Conway a consultancy fee, or Tolouse an incremental payment, or the player himself a bonus that we can’t/aren’t willing to pay.
Spot on this is purely financial. I wouldn't be surprised that his purple patch last season was just a purple patch because it would have activated extra payments.
The one time he was allowed to speak (to Tykes TV) he said he had personal issues last season but sounded very positive about the season ahead and was all smiles. I recall people gave Vita a pass and said maybe he needs to adjust to life in a different country before playing (took him about 6 months), but with Iseka there doesn't seem to be the same empathy. Strange.
If the general consensus was he’s a must for the team the message boards and social media would be in meltdown . He hasn’t done enough imo for me to state that Duff is wrong on the evidence I’ve seen from him .
Look at Luke Thomas. After a week at Bristol Rovers he allegedly didn't want to train and Barton outed him in the press and said 'he's not right in the head' and they wanted to send him back. Look at the progression when Joey scumbag of all people then decided to take him under his wing and work with him and get the best out of him - he is like a different player and has a whole new attitude. We are so quick to write off bit-part players who haven't been given any opportunity, while we lift up those players who are failing on the pitch. Iseka is our player, we should work with him and stop talking suggestive crap about him in the media. It makes us look classless.
All kinds of theories and counter theories. My personal view on this is I’m disappointed in Duff. His first error of judgment here for me. I don’t think for one minute that ‘the board’ are telling him to slate him in public. Duff is a grown up, he’s capable of choosing his own words. Got this one badly wrong IMO. Makes me wonder what other players might be secretly thinking.
Good point and question. Duff was wrong to say what he did in public but he was asked a difficult question to which he answered as honestly. I think you should be able to tell the truth in a constructive way without the fear of MH repercussions. Duff could have worded it differently. I know you have'nt said this but if iseka is struggling with mental health issues then that needs addressing. Sometimes though if mental health issues are affecting you capability to do your job then you may have to change jobs to help yourself. Poor performance cant be blamed on mental health and then thats it you get paid for performing below levels required for the remainder of your contract. Support is required if thats given then you have to take some ownership yourself, MH isnt like a broken leg.