Our parachute payments ended that Summer. Which meant we couldn't afford to keep our better players on their contracts, couldn't afford to renew contracts that were coming to an end and could only bring in players on lower contracts.
What are your thoughts on Mike Sheron. He looked class to me when I first started attending home games regularly in 2001/2 and I was dumfounded when he was replaced by Richard Naylor and the Sheron/ Dyer partnership was broken up?
I was excited when we signed him, hoping we'd signed the player who had been such a good goalscorer for Stoke City. Unfortunately, he never reached those heights for us. I thought he was a skilful player for Barnsley, seemed to score goals in irregular batches, but never bought into the argument he was a poor player.
I also didn’t think parachute payments came into existence until the mid-2000s? I’m sure we got something - but I honestly didn’t think they existed in that form at that time
The amounts paid out in parachute payments definitely jumped up in the 2000's. But they were definitely around for us.
Sorry old chap, but parachute payments didn't start until 2006/7 season. We received our PL TV money and "prize" money for finishing 19th in the PL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier_League_parachute_and_solidarity_payments
I stand corrected. We received 'solidarity' payments. Which is why we paid out huge monies for Dyer, Hignett, Sheron, Shipperley, Miller for example. Alongside their salaries that went with those big transfer fees.
I thought the whole reason for parachute payments was because of the issues a few teams had that went close to the wall and had struggled to bridge the gap (and obviously ON digital had a huge repercussion), ourselves and Bradford being most prevalent in my mind. I do think there was some nominal relegation payment prior to that which we may have benefitted from, I think John Dennis may have touched on it in his book, but the concept of parachute payments wasn't until we'd long returned to the football league.
I thought "solidarity payments" were after that and paid to all EFL clubs other than those with parachute payments?
The name of the payments was altered, I accept. However we received payments for two years after we were relegated and had to cut our cloth accordingly when we lost to Ipswich at Wembley when they ran out. As a footnote to this, Swansea's payments end this Summer. https://www.swanseacity.com/news/update-chairman-2
Its strange that having done a quick google, there doesn't seem to be any record of pre parachute payments. Like you. I'm pretty sure we got something, but it was over a shorter time and much much less than now (£2m for 2 years rings a bell) though wages and transfers were miles lower than now. I think I read Ayew is out of contract this summer? Last chance saloon me thinks. Frankly, even if they get past us, I hope the other finalist betters them.