I'm pretty sure we paid a fee for Phil Whitehead as well, though probably not very much. I reckon that in our entire history, we've probably paid under a million quid for all our keepers put together.
We could well have done, I don't remember. Pretty sure Clive Baker was free (and Martin New and Bobby Horn, not sure about Gary Pierce). Andy Rhodes and Dave Watson came through the ranks. I reckon the money we got for Scott Flinders covered everything we ever shelled out.
I'd completely forgotten about Flinders. That was one hell of a piece of business looking back on it. Getting close to a million quid for a young keeper with a handful of appearances to his name. One who would go on to make a huge number of appearances for Hartlepool Utd and Cheltenham Town.
What on earth happened to Flinders, he quite literally dropped the ball on his own career!. Its never easy for a new player when he replaces a popular and impressive former player. But for me, Phil Whitehead was always a very poor mans Clive Baker.
£175k according to this but not sure how accurate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-541969/Muller-Steele-stays-Barnsley.html