There's a scheme that should have started by now but the DOT keep kicking it into the long grass. Levelling-up my ar5e; if it had been in the south it would have been implemented years ago. You need good clutch control on there to keep the selfish out. Then they go into a rage and wonder why you won't let them in.
my grandfather often said (in Welsh) - translated - 'The young will always doubt but the old know!' - think there's some truth in that.
I've relatives in North Wales and when they come here they use the M56 so far then go North to join the M62 then the M1 South.
It never fails to amaze me how the two countries share a border and as an island are quite uniquely linked and yet the two languages could not be further apart
People who dont acknowledge when you've let them in or allowed them to get out of a tight spot when one is driving. Its courteous to signal 'thank you' in some way.
Women in Men's changing rooms. Can I not have a 'safe' space to try clothes on in a retail establishment without some middle aged bloke bringing a female in to tell him he looks good in a hoodie and skinny jeans?
Better to not get angry; let them in; what does it cost you? And rejoice in the fact that you are not a Jeremy.
His first few words contained consideration. He then likens it to joining a shorter queue in a supermarket. But in a supermarket, you don’t join a shorter queue, then access the cashier that everyone else was queuing for. As I said, it’s just selfish disregard and no consideration for those in the other lane.
It really isn't though, the aim of those road layouts is to have the traffic reduced by having a queue on both sides and then take turns to merge. What happens in reality is that everyone goes on one side and traffic backs up, defeating the entire point of it. That is not what you are meant to do, it is as simple as that. Check the highway code if you don't believe.
Ask for the wine and then say ‘oh, could I have a bit of ice in it, please?’ Or ask for a glass of ice so you can add to it as you feel like it.
I've never known anybody be so confidently wrong before. It's not even a matter of opinion, it's just a complete misunderstanding of how to drive.
This is why I prefer shared changing rooms, I want my husband to be able to be nearby so I don’t have to walk out to the shop floor to show him something.
I just love the idea of people sitting in their car feeling all smug about not letting people in when they’re the ones who don’t know the rules of the road. I don’t know why but it proper tickles me.
We as a nation love to queue. I think we should bring back public information adverts for driving, focusing particularly on lane management on motorways and what we've been discussing.