Still France has 65k COVID deaths . Pretty comparable to UK deaths and things are going south quick . It appears every European government has failed .
Or my other favourite what can't be cured must be endured. Really hope this is the beginning of the end now and there's no hiccups with the vaccination roll out.
Agree they haven't been a lot more successful at containing COVID than we have but they are protecting those forced to stop work due to lockdowns a lot better than we are
It's still half arsed. It's taken into account all the sexual deviants in the cabinet and back benchers. You can't meet in houses but can meet in local parks with one other person as long as you wash your tackle in between you could go through as many as you like.
I think that's borrowed from the famous Stoic Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius who said, "It if is endurable, endure it. Stop complaining". Yes, I hope so. I actually learnt during 'lockdown' that I do like people, just in small doses and on my own terms. My wife even noticed and said "You're not so bloody miserable, why?" lol
I’m off for a walk round the golf course , might kick a tennis ball up and down the fairways , my mate is joining me , all within the rules ..... but if we get the clubs out and hit a golf ball up and down we might spread COVID so we aren’t doing that