I can't blame anyone for taking a step back recently. You cannot have a conversation on here of late without it turning very divisive, outright nasty and personal a lot of the times lately.
Mainly the optimists. I couldn't help but notice that there were half as many posts on here about the 3-0 win on Saturday, compared say to the 3-0 defeat vs Wycombe. This isn't a criticism of anyone, merely an observation I made when on the bus back from Cambridge at the weekend.
I had a bit of a sabbatical due to being away at Butlins and then Covid but haven't been able to find my mojo since. Hence not posting as frequently. Can't seem to get back in the swing. Also when the team's doing o.k there isn't that much to be said.
Yeah finally he’s given up on the Gareth Bale man bun look* *Im only jealous that I cant even remember what its like to have hair
That's fair mate, and I'm not being alarmist. But when someone/anyone who is very active on here every day pretty much suddenly disappears, i for one worry about them as something could have happened. Clearly they could just be having a break, and that's a good thing to do. In the case of DWLC, still haven't heard anything and hope he's okay.
Off topic - Mint mojo’s. Yuk. Only thing you could get that was worse in a 10p or 20p mix was a black Jack. Hated them. Cola Mojo’s however … amazing. Up there with Apple Jacks and Fruit Salads. Chuck in a white mouse, a cola bottle, fizzy dummy, one of them weird shrimp things and a couple of penny bubblies. Nostalgia in a paper bag…