North Yorkshire has next to no cases, but parts of West Yorkshire have loads. Its a big county. I don't know, why do we vaccinate 14 million people for flu each year?
Can you clarify where you are getting your figures from please? The *official* figures for the UK are 308,134 cases and 46,413 deaths. A survival rate of around 85% - although both figures are being reported *downwards* - the excess deaths for the period January - August are over 60000. The number of cases is particularly suspect as that makes the entire UK health service look appalling in comparison to the rest of the world. That doesn't take into account those who get "long Covid" and suffer symptoms for months, some of which are life-changing (increased rate of stroke, atrial fibrillation, chronic fatigue, etc)
11000 people died of the flue in England and Wales alone last year with a vaccine, i totally get the above posters volunteering, fair play to you, I sincerely mean that, I get the wearing of masks also, "stop moaning and put it on" is my mindset but why are masks not mandatory for example last year to prevent many thousands of deaths from flue ? I am not saying they should be but its a head scratcher for me as deaths on a massive scale to a virus regardless of virus should have the same measures of protection, shouldn't it ?
How many of the people dying from flu are people who could have had a free vaccine but chose not to get it? There is no vaccine (as yet) for Covid and according to some people in this thread, who I really don’t understand, there shouldn’t be one. Someone gave the reason because deaths have slowed down - yes, because people like my man who would die if she gets it hasn’t been out of the house in 4 months. Thankfully, it would be pretty much impossible for her to die of it whilst she is shielding but a vaccine would mean she could live life as normal again. There’s thousands of people in the same boat, that is why we need a vaccine. Of course there are less deaths, knowing you might die if you step outside is a pretty good motivator to stay in!
I've found myself asking all too often recently "Why are people so stupid" Less brain cells than a glass of water some people.
Joking aside. It's the percentage it kills who we're protecting. Not all deaths are people over 60. The illness has struck down young, fit people with no underlying health conditions too. They still don't know why if I contract the disease and die and you contract the disease and live or vice versa. People comparing it to flu as well. At least with flu they know how to treat it successfully and there is a vaccine. With this it's stabbing in the dark.
I agree with some of the above but I do have a comment. In the period April to June, 60,000 excess deaths were recorded compared to a five year average (ons statisics). Something caused the additional deaths and it doesn't take a significant leap of to attribute this to the virus. Also, our grandfathers stood in line to sign up in 1914. I accept that the level of information they had was little but they still signed up.
Thank god so many wonderful people have stepped forward over the last century to help us overcome so many horrific illnesses. Bravo.
Because it kills thousands of people and puts thousands in intensive care. One needs a lockdown and social distancing measures in place to stop thousands more dying and thousands more being put in intensive care: that's why. Or would we prefer a vaccine that would enable a move back to normality? Toughie
I don’t know why the person you quoted cares that it’s only months in the making. After it has been made, the next step is testing it and to do that they need volunteers. There can be no progress until that happens, I’m not sure why this poster wants it to just sit in a test tube for a few years before testing can even begin.
I've had it and recovered, not bad enough to go to hospital, bad enough to never want it ever again. I'd like a vaccine.
There are so many selfish people on this earth. Just because it doesn’t,t affect you or family maybe it should do then you would get the message.
This is why we will be existing under perpetual restrictions for quite a long while yet: fantastically ignorant.
11,000 people died of flu yet nigh on 50,000 died in a few short months from covid and this has been hugely lowered by lockdown and social distancing. 100,000 people have died in Brazil whereas it's flu death rate is extremely low (1 per 100,000). Anyone over say 40, even those who are relatively fit and healthy have a chance of dying from this. This is not the case with flu. I know 2 people who have died, both fit enough to be in full time employment. One was 44 and the other 52. I know a couple of others who's lives were saved in itu in their 50s too. 2 of my colleagues on the same ward were hospitalised as well, one still suffering terribly and this was back in May. I could go on with my own personal experience but I won't bore you anymore as I've already documented it. I don't want to exist like this any longer too but dismissal is not the answer.
Ignorant? And are you an expert in virology? How dare you call me ignorant when I have put forward an argument with fact and reason and you have replied with an ad homonim attack. No counter argument, no facts, just personal attacks, the mark of a far superior person.