I think that is still the guidance. It’s either: Stay 2 metres apart Stay 1 metre apart where not possible to stay 2 metres apart but implement other counter measures per the guidelines for each industry. The jist I got from the briefing was that both are about equal risk of those counter measures are implemented in accordance with the guidelines.
Scots strongly supported what Boris announced for here and it wouldn't surprise if the moves Sturgeon announced today were because of it. The way she's been talking recently didn't sound like someone who was going to announce opening beer gardens and non essential shops as soon as they are. Now it's Wales we have to feel sorry for with Mark Drakeford being extremely timid with opening stuff back up. I cannot believe Welsh cannot drive more than five miles from their house still.
2% is ‘Strongly supported’? I don’t feel sorry for the welsh having a government that wants to protect its people.
More that more people like what is happening here in England then don't like it. He's being far too cautious by treating Wales like it's the early days of the pandemic still. So many businesses won't ever open their doors again. As for here it's great to finally see the number of daily infections declining quickly after weeks stuck between 1000-1500.......
By a week on Saturday when things can open again, hopefully the news will be even better than it is now....... By contrast you have Brazil who have it worst than any other country in the world at the moment, will probably finish with more deaths than USA and have officials who have just opened everything back up because the president thinks it's just a bit of flu. Fingers crossed the two thousand doses of the Oxford vaccine sent to front line staff over there is working.
It's going to be table service only I thought they said.. No going to the bar.. I've booked Friday 10th July off work, booked in for hair cut first thing then an afternoon sesh in the micropub, be quite through the day is my thinking. However having said that, the numbers of infections if the trend continues will be within my risk tolerance.
the problem for Mark Drakeford is that he has to be ultra cautious as he leads a minority Labour government and with the Senedd Elections next May he can't risk being held responsible if things go awry when lockdown is eased.
Table service??? the club I drink in there's usually one person serving four bars not much chance of getting your drink delivered
Interesting question , because GDPR rules largely conflict with effective track and trace...the Germans have been looking at trying to rewrite the rules with emergency legislation.
I believe table service is "advised" (like every thing this half ar5ed government has said) so not compulsory, just no standing at the bar.
Yes there is, not so much the app itself, but for track and trace to work at its best, information between agencies needs to be shared, fear of GDPR breaches is stopping Govt, Health Service, Police and Local Councils sharing individuals information. As an example NHS England has set up testing stations in areas....people test positive and go back to their locality....NHS England will not tell Borough Councils or local health care professionals who they are or where they are. You could have a cluster on one street or in one village and no one locally can know.
Don't get the massive my personal information outcry if I'm honest. Anybody who has signed up to use facebook or any other social media service already shares far more personal data than any track and trace app which could help save lives. Just fake outrage.. Bit flat earthy IMO.
and with 175 workers at a factory in Anglesey testing positive for Covid then Drakeford was right to be cautious.