Steele did say last night that he completely forgot it was being broadcast anywhere and thought it was just a one on one conversation. I think being at home helps but there's also not a camera in their face, loads of lighting, a microphone, club media training playing on their mind, and almost everything is positive. Plus it's a subject they're familiar with and naturally have passion for. Nearly all of them have actually thanked us for being allowed to go through some of the memories as they haven't spoken about it 'out loud' for a long time.
You are so right Ben. Part of the appeal is the simplicity of the format, its like talking to your mate in the pub. In the early 80's I had a slot on Radio Hallam ( now Hallam FM) doing the weekly Club round up on a Country Music programme. Never ever forget my first session. There were microphones everywhere and a load of engineers behind a screen counting you in and recording what you had to say. I was so nervous, I could hear my own heartbeat through the headset. I agree as well. It's good to hear players we used to support recounting their time at Oakwell and it helps to fill in some of the gaps. One of the biggest surprises thus far, was Gauthier telling us that Cauley was signed on a free transfer from Fulham. What a cracking piece of business that was. We also finally got to know what went wrong with the Ollie McBurnie loan and just underlined what a costly oversight that eventually proved to be.
I think I'd crumble in that situation. Remember doing something on BBC Essex for work, as well as speaking to Radio Sheffield on behalf of the Trust when we moved Stendel on with those 21 words, and even though it was just over the phone the intensity was something else. Nothing like the amateur hour we're doing now one on one.
Agree it's very nerve wracking especially as it was all very new as far as I was concerned. My particular slot was recorded , so the engineers had the chance to remove the many " you knows" I must have uttered as the Country Wednesday presenter Beverley Chubb quizzed me as to who was playing in which Club in the upcoming week. I always remember my first couple of programmes, because as well as having to concentrate on what I was going to have to present, the guests looking on in the studio in readiness for the next programme, were Noddy Holder and the drummer from Slade Don Powell and the following week, Errol Brown of Hot Chocolate fame. After my first programme, Noddy and Don invited us for a drink in the pub the Wig and Pen near to the studio. We had a right session. They were drinking pints and Jack Daniels chasers. Noddy was telling us he was going to have to cut back on his drinking, as he'd looked at his daughters news book from her local school and to his shame she'd written " everytime Daddy goes out with his friends, Mummy is not pleased because when he gets home, he often falls down the stairs."
I remember the first time I was interviewed for radio.... The least I think about it the better... It was appalling... Er Er Er Er and more ers spring to mind.. I didn't give one clear sentence /answer with out the Er Er Er... Being the main starting point of replies... Listening to it later I was embarrassed.... To admit it was me... Ben is doing a great job I like how he presents and how all his guest seem relaxed in his company... A sign of a good interviewer/host..Well done to all involved with the show
I’ve just caught up now, I loved how open Luke was, I can definitely see why he became captain, I’m loving these interviews Cracking work Ben (plus everyone else that’s involved)
Thanks mate (and @Bossman). Might have an announcement or two in the next 24 hours around future guests. Fingers crossed!
Finished watching this one earlier today. Absolutely brilliant Nice one Ben Cant wait for Andy Ritchie, should make for a cracking interview