Good post. If you're only interested in a favourable £ to AVB ratio, Maison du Biere is probably not the right establishment for you.
Agree with some form of beer menu. Pretty common place down in London and Bristol and more beery places. The Beer Shop in Nunhead (which is a very small place) has a chalk board with their draft offering explaining what they are and a printed menu for their bottles and cans with a description. Really helpful given the huge amount of variance you can now get. And helpful knowledgeable bar staff is a huge help too.
Actually, I believe that you're thinking of isinglass, which comes from the swim bladders of fish. That's what is often used as beer finings. Rennet is used in cheese-making, though these days a vegetarian alternative is widely used for almost all popular English cheeses.
I'd a pint in the Soul Lounge on Saturday, I'm sure it had rennet in it. Flat Moon were awesome though.
Penistone Tap has a display monitor with this info on (for draft only). Harder to do the bigger your range is.
MdB has 3 monitors above the bar, 16 out of the 28 taps were on so the menu spanned 2 monitors if I remember rightly.
One of my local taprooms had a TV screen that rotated with say 8 beers at a time listed and explained. Obviously you've got to have the room to do it and sacrifice it instead of a screen showing something live. Fingers crossed a few people give it a try, even those who are stepping out of their comfort zones.
They do have a beer menu for the heritage centre too, but it's online (they have QR codes on the tables). The one in town has the tap menu above the bar too. They change far too often for it to be worthwhile printing!
Not rennet...isinglass. Rennet and gelatine are bovine products and although they are capable of clearing the beer once they don't tend to work well when beer is moved or disturbed, Isinglass works on multiple disturbances.
Me neither.... I'm now being roped into online shopping and pumpkin duties, I'd say I can't wait til my missus' broken foot mends... but it wouldn't be any different, I'd still be on pumpkin and online shopping duty! I bid you bon soir and wish you well in your search for said meme.
Actually it's far better now than at anytime since the mid 1970's..after WW 2 Barnsley had two excellent breweries... Clarkson's on Wood Street and of course Barnsley Brewery at Oakwell, the vast majority of the pubs were owned by these two firms...Clarkson's was taken over and closed in the mid 50's by Tennant Bros of Sheffield although good ale was still available, Barnsley were taken by John Smiths in 1961 but kept open. Around 1968 Tennants fell to takeover by Whitbread's from London and shortly after traditional beers were replaced by Whitbread's awful keg piss in every one of their pubs, in 1976 the situation became even more bleak...John Smith's had been taken over by Courage and Barnsley Brewery was shut, the pubs being supplied with Tadcaster's keg only piss. The 1977 Good Beer Guide described Barnsley as a 'beer desert'. Going from memory the only traditional beer available within walking distance of the town centre at that time was at the Wheatsheaf at Town End and the Rising Sun on Sheffield Road.