Only this just didn't happen. Daily Mail nonsense aimed at those requiring a certain narrative. Guess I'm a woke leftie then.
Maybe he meant the way they are entering the country is illegal. Not sure I could arrive in Spain via boat with no passport and when I get there get put up in a hotel and all the rest of it. I think people's frustration is this is this is costing the tax payer 5 billion a year and people who have paid into the system all there lives get cut backs. *not justifying turning up at hotels housing them and what happened. Think he's on about that, the government did say they would end hotels housing asylum seekers as it was costing too much but new ones are been created.
Its unbelievable how some people on this thread are effectively trying to justify attempted murder in the summer. There's no middle ground here - you either think the people who tried to burn people to death had a point or you think they're complete scum. I know what I think. That's the last I'll say as I dont want to fall out with anyone.
Agree with this. The bloke who liked it will be throwing his fit soon and claiming persecution. It's a shame we can't just ban the racists - I've reported umpteen posts over the years. I get admin have a tough time keeping an eye on things all the time, but surely when something as bold as the Sadiq Khan comment pops up, it should be easy enough?
It’s not illegal for anyone, anywhere to claim asylum. I could go to any country in the world and try my luck. I’m very thankful I don’t need to. It is happening. Locals were personally told it at a meeting.
I think it must be down to a lot of the admin are more scared of being labelled draconian and against free speech, rather than sort it out. Its easier to just turn a blind eye. Same user names over and over with this stuff. Embarrassing.
Only, it did. What are you basing your statement on? Denial? There was a public meeting where the topics i mentioned were declared by the local authorities and the police.
Read my post above and read the one above it, it's not difficult to fact check racist propaganda if you're inclined to. I'm tapping out of this one as it's going the way all these posts on this topic go and it's too depressing for what should be a positive time of year.
Only it didn't. Just because a racist Tory says something in a meeting to stir up hatred of some dark skinned, funny talking people doesn't make it so. It's been fact checked by independent sources.
Never let the truth get in the way of the racist agenda! I can guarantee that the racists won’t take any notice of the fact checking when you have bells like 30p Lee stirring up the rhetoric
The assertion that the altrincham asylum seekers you reference were given private medical care was proven to be false. The local Tory councillor was just, so surprisingly, chatting nonsense. Society is in the wrong if it seeks mitigation to excuse rioting, violence and attempted murder all motivated by xenophobia and misinformation.
Immigration isn’t bad for the country but until the boats are brought under control there will be an outcry……lives are being lost……the Conservatives failed but it needs to be a priority for Labour
Just because someone doesn't agree with the boat situation costing the country near on 5 billion a year doesn't mean they agree with people setting hotels on fire. It doesn't make them racist either.