Lol one minute I’m getting hammered for being cryptic the next I’m getting it for giving names. Jesus Christ. This deal was all over twitter. 3.5 year deal they said. Nothing to do with what I have said on here and if anyone starts to point the finger at me it’s out of order.
Maybe dodged a bullet with that one.Oh well I think buying british might be a better option before window closes .
What is it with some posters on here that seem to enjoy trying to discredit @redarmychris? He's clearly provided some very good, credible information on here that most of the readers of this forum enjoy reading about. Is it a jealousy thing? I don't get it!
Going by his tweet about "maintain", he is stopping where he is, because that refers to their own relegation battle.
To be fair to RAC- it's not like he's personally responsible for the deal collapsing. It's bizarre to suggest otherwise. Unless he's Gauthier under a fake name. In which case BOOOOOOOOO.
It’s very sad and incredibly weird that fully grown adults are clearly taking delight in the fact that Manzala hasn’t signed and are using it as a stick to beat @redarmychris with. Deary me.
Appreciate this. I am fearing the worst here and I don’t know why. Genuinely feel guilty. We saw from the Mcburnie deal how these things can fall apart. Another example here.
Bit mad this. RAC shares nailed on info and he gets hammered whether they sign (Moore) or don’t (Manzala)...someone says Fletcher is signing, which is absolute ballacks, and everyone has a good old laugh about it. Weird innit.
I know we've taken the piss out of each other this last month or so but to say you're personally responsible is ridiculous. You reds.
I remember the stick I got when I told everyone we was close to signing Lee Gregory and then he ended up at Millwall. It's a jealousy thing Chris, I wouldn't worry about it.
Gets hammered for naming names. Gets hammered for not naming names. Give us more fooooooooking information. You said too much: your fault the deal fell through. There's a bloke sits near me who always shouts at players for not doing the opposite of what they just did. Why did tha shooit? Why din't tha shooit? Why din't tha tackle him? Tha shouldn't have gone in on him. This board is like that bloke.
Jesus - some of the replies the guy is getting on Twitter is embarrassing. He’s retweeting a couple as well. We’ve got some right horrible “fans”. I know every club does but it’s shamefull seeing what’s been written to him.
Of course it's nothing to do with it being mentioned on here but out of interest is the person giving you this info happy for you to post it on here?
Would have hated signing a player on a 3.5 yr deal for best part of million to find out later he’s having second thoughts. I’m sure we’ve got other options for players but it looks already it’s gonna have to be a busy few days next week. Reckon we still need a minimum of 4 players . Fingers crossed.