You actually can't read can you. I don't think anyone is saying what Stendel did was correct - if true (still no evidence though) then it was wrong and he deserved to go. However. Our current owners CONFIRMED THEMSELVES that they KEPT IN TOUCH with a DIFFERENT HEAD COACH whilst Stendel was STILL IN EMPLOYMENT* This is surely wrong. And warrants criticism does it not? If they were doing it now to Struber would you be ok with that? *I've put some words in capitals so hopefully you get the point instead of just writing But I like these owners lol
I think the criticism is fair if they have stayed in touch and are constantly asking if he would come etc, but if it was with a view of given the nature of football, that a Managers tenure is limited and they were staying in touch ‘just in case’ but not actually approaching then I would say that is prudent planning. We don’t know what staying in touch means though in this context.
I agree with that. But you don't "keep in touch" with your "number one target" just to ask him what he had for his tea and to see if the kids are ok. This isn't a Stendel v Struber post btw - history has told is Struber did an incredible job at the back end of last season. It's just another item to add to the list of half truths, lies and disingenuous moves from Mr Conway and his pals.
Gotta be honest and say I don’t have a problem with them staying in touch, equally I don’t have an issue with Stendel talking to Huddersfield (if he did). As a Senior Manager, I always took the approach if an employee felt they could better themselves by leaving, I would always say as long as they left the right way, I’d shake their hands and wish them luck. But that attitude cuts both ways. My only criticism would be the club playing the moral high ground when it suits.
Happens all the time in football, especially in the last 30-40 years and definitely since the formation of the PL
Yes I can read thankyou & what ever my opinion is, it does not justify personal insults . Its pointless me debating with you , we differ & I do not need words in capital letters for me to understand someone"s point of view , you obviously need to insult someone to make your point .
To be honest, capital letters were required this time seeing as it's so difficult for you to complete basic comprehension. Have a good night.
1. Decide you want to do something. 2. Exploit an unrelated situation to justify your actions legally and morally and benefit financially. There is now a pattern evident of this behaviour from the consortium that own 80% of the club. A manager speaking informally to another club is common practice in football. Don't be fooled into thinking what Stendel did was worthy of the way he was treated. The owners wanted rid of Stendel whilst still attempting to make money from his association with the club.
Maybe it was down to his drinking habits...he did like a drinky poo or two....didn't he ....who knows Still the 21 worded statement was a disgrace and an embarrassment he wasn't treated right in my opinion No matter the circumstances...