On a bacon sarnie On a chip butty In a jacket spud, mushed up with butter and plenty of grated cheddar cheese Stirred into baked beans Lovely stuff!
Doubt it. Peanut butter oil separates from the peanuts so you often find this when you open a new container, you need to stir it a lot. Same thing happens with almond butter, but that's really hard to stir especially if you buy a 1kg tub.
Ever wonder how white dog turds came about? Bees extract nectar from flowers and make honey. Wasps extract the brown from dog turds and make Marmite. Fact.
They used to say that after a nuclear apocalypse only Termites would survive. Add Marmite to that exclusive list! I once found a half used jar of marmite at the back of a cupboard which was 5 years!! past its 'best before' date. Looked and tasted like a new jar. Tried it (I was foolhardy in those days) with no ill effects. Must be the huge amounts of salt it contains and the fact it is a by-product of fermentation!!
Anyone tried the marmite ale Camden Town brewery brought out a little while ago? Definitely an acquired taste but better than it sounds!
I had some a while back. As you say not as bad as it sounds, but I certainly won’t be looking for a 2 nd can of it.