Just nipped round to paper shop for some milk and he almost knocked me over as he rushed out the door. ‘Christ Martin where you off to in such a rush - Swansea? He carried on running but managed to blurt out ‘windass 6 match ban’ or something.
I bumped into him at a deli near Heaton park in Manchester. He'd just been doing a FIFA coaching lesson on politically correct terminology. He kept looking nervously over to the park. I asked him what was wrong. He said: "we're not allowed to say butch anymore so I can't shout my dog back! "
Dropped into one of them new Morrisons Locals earlier on, and Disco was in there buying some ice pops, chatting to his mate. Having read this thread earlier, I couldn't stop myself hovering to see if I could overhear any interesting snippets. From what I could tell, he was telling his chum about a forthcoming tandem-riding trip with his friend Michael and their partners. Unfortunately there must be some kind of mechanical problem with Michael's tandem, because as they left Disco was confidently asserting that "Michael is going nowhere."