It won't make a difference for the supermarket as people will do it to eat. Other shops it's not worth the hassle when we already have enough rules in place. It's far easier to just shop online and stay away from town centres. Face coverings is rather late too with figures going down all the time......
It won't. If anything it will make people more likely to bring people back shopping, as they feel safer.
I don't agree with this to be honest. There's too many people in the "YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO IM NOT WEARING ONE" camp. I just find it odd. If you want to go shopping, stick a face mask on. It's not a big deal is it?
Yes I will. I have worked wearing masks before for dust. I was up at the hospital yesterday and had one on for around 4 hours. It's not a big thing, I'll wear one if that's what's required. I don't like wearing one so my shopping will be limited to things I really need. Going into a shop for a specific item. What I won't be doing is any kind of browsing around. That's just me, my personal choice. Sorry if it that makes me weird.
Yes. Here's a example of how it could be bad for retailers. Me and the wife like IKEA. We often go and browse round and ending up buying things on the spur of the moment then have a look around down stairs in the market place and buy more things. Now if we want something I will look online and just go in and collect the item i want. This is lost potential revenue. Most of retail is getting you to buy things you didn't want when you set out. So yes "I'll wear one then" I also will end up spending a lot less money in a lot of shops. Good for me, bad for them. Will I be in a small minority? I hope so. Am I saying we shouldn't wear masks? Again no. I'm just giving a viewpoint on how it could be bad for the retail sector. I could be wrong, it happens a lot but I am willing to discuss it rather than reply in condescending little retorts. No worries.
I asked whether you would wear one. You basically said yes. So I thought that was the end of the conversation. I didn't know you were going to let me know the tactics you use in IKEA - so thanks. My point is, if anyone is specifically avoiding the high street just because they have to wear a mask, then yes, they are being weird (medical exemptions of course). It was probably not aimed at you specifically, but you were the one to reply. It's the people who are moaning about civil liberties or sovereignty or whatever ******** they're using at the minute - so I apologise for that.
I wonder how many share your views - for me I dont like wearing masks but its not a big deal for me - there are times in my work where working in clean rooms I have had to wear a full suit gloves mask the works for a whole day and thats much less fun. Wearing just a facemask as long as it fits properly is just a minor annoyance and for me wont stop me going shopping. I hate it anyway. More of a problem is not being able to try on clothes
The last time I went into a shop, I wore a mask, but never again, it was useless. In future it will be a stocking for me every time!! From tonjytyke, cell 34. HMP Strangeways .
I think the best way to sum it up is I'm perfectly willing to wear one, I just can't be bothered shopping with one on, coupled with social distancing. It's not criticism of the rules just a fact that I will go out a lot less while they are in place.
Have you got any evidence for the claim that covid kills more younger people with no underlying health conditions? All the stats I've seen show that flu is much less discriminatory with who it kills. We may have a vaccine against flu but it still kills a lot of people each and every year and no-one bats an eyelid. I find it extremely interesting that many people seem to draw the line at around 50,000 dead people being where they start to care Contagious virus 1: airborne, can be passed by coughing, sneezing and breathing. Can be passed by contact, can live on surfaces for hours and passed on by touching those surfaces. Kills a lot of people, half a million a year Contagious virus 2: airborne, can be passed by coughing, sneezing and breathing. Can be passed by contact, can live on surfaces for hours and passed on by touching those surfaces. Kills a lot of people, half a million so far. Public response to contagious virus 1: oh well, it happens. Public response to contagious virus 2: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. Stay indoors. Do not work. Do not see your family. Danger danger If it wasn't so serious it would be funny
I think you're mixing two things here. I will wear one when I have to to buy food to live. I won't be going to meadowhall or into barnsley or round cortonwood like I enjoy doing. So yes I'll wear one when I HAVE to but I'll certainly not be going shopping anywhere near as often as I would have done which is what a lot of people are saying and why I think it will kill off shops. Maybe it's not a huge inconvenience but is it more inconvenient than sitting at home and ordering online? The high street needs to be made as accessible as possible to tempt people away from online shopping and this is just another small obstacle. And my main reason for not wanting to be wearing a mask is not that I have an issue with ME wearing one but that I have witnessed people in masks acting like they're invincible. They have a mask so can get as close as possible, touch anything they want to and do anything they want because with a mask on they can't catch it spread it. Increase that to EVERYONE wearing a mask and that feeling of invincibility rises considerably. Couple that with an entire supermarket who's masks are badly fitted, who are regularly touching their faces and who now have extra virus droplets on their hands as they pick up everything and it's a big no from me.
There are numerous answers to all these questions that have been answered well and truly over the course of this thread. It's completely and utterly clear that you will continue with your dismissive attitude towards covid despite all the evidence to the contrary. Your post on here regarding the number of deaths recorded for the under 60s was quite possibly the most misguided and ludicrous covid post on here of all time and was rightly corrected by many soon after. Gladly you are in the minority yet I fear people with similar views to you have been hugely damaging. #and still you refuse to acknowledge the huge impact lockdown and social distancing has had on death rates.
They should be doing it at night only. Supermarkets should also have been forced to remove none essential aisles in order to widen the remaining aisles and create an environment where maintaining social distancing is actually possible. They should have been forced to install hand sanitiser at the checkouts where customers have to touch the same things as the previous customer. But no, the big boys have been allowed to do what they want, absolutely no legislation at all directed at them
I want people to die right? Where have I refused to acknowledge that? Of course I will acknowledge it I'm not an idiot. Locking people in their houses reduced the death rate. Why weren't you staying indoors to save thousands of people last year? Why don't you care when someone dies of flu but do when they die of covid-19? I'll tell you now. If you're dead you're dead and you don't care one bit of it's of virus a or b but you refuse to demonstrate any kind of empathy with those who lose loved ones to flu. You refuse to acknowledge that dead is dead and that had we had a lockdown last year thousands of flu victims would have been alive. Edit: I don't mean you specifically, I mean quite a lot of people. I also fully understand why you feel the way you do about covid-19 having lost a good friend. I also haven't tried to play it down or anything, comparing it to flu isnt intended to play covid-19 down its intended to show that flu is more serious than people have been willing to acknowledge. And I have followed every instruction and guidance to the letter. I personally installed hand sanitiser stations throughout my place of work. Put signs up everywhere. I made changes to the workplace to aid social distancing. I haven't visited any friends, haven't seen the children in the family for about 5 months which is a big change from a few times a week. I only shop for necessities during the quietest shopping periods etc.