If a guy can be committed for killing someone whilst drink driving and resurrect his career after serving time for it, then for sure this guy will still play football.
I can understand it. By making it public it lets an abuser know that others will find out if they attempt anything further, and may shame or scare them into stopping. They’d be less likely to do something when they know the other person won’t be keeping it secret any longer. When it’s a well known person, it could also be to warn others off them. Finally, there’s the understandable emotion of wanting revenge in a way you know it will hurt them.
No. I'm just making sure I use all the allegedly, claiming, purporting and so on so the price of **** doesn't somehow sue me
I would imagine this is she feels the best way to get the truth out there and to hurt him the most. Which would be both an act of retaliation but also a defensive act. If it’s right or wrong to do this is down to an individual but if the end result protects her and makes her feel safer then how can anyone blame her. I say this as a grown male with no experience of DV though so could be wrong.
Having heard the recording it’s extremely disturbing especially when you can clearly hear her saying I don’t want sex and using his name, I know it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s Mason Greenwood but family and friends will be able to recognise his voice,
Hmmm. I’d like to know the reasons she put it on social media and whether she had any advice before doing so as I’m not sure it’s wise. Given Greenwood’s past character it’s all perfectly believable and most likely it’s really what happened. But that’s for a court to decide. There have been cases ,unfortunately , where men have been framed either to try and get money or get back at someone. Let me be clear I have no reason to suspect this is the case here but I am uncomfortable with it all over social media before any trial or arrest Of course it’s quite plausible she put it up because she was shaken up and hadn’t really thought it through
It makes sense to put it online so people don't call her a liar, know what Mason is like, warn others of what he's like and hopefully make others who behave in that way think twice about continuing.
( If its genuine) I totally get it, any sane victim of that kind of abuse would want to 'hurt' back, and in her case before 'his people' start operation damage limitation. I'd have been on to the cops pdq as well like!
She's started a new one as her posts have been reported. I understand her raising awareness but it may intimidate people
For all we know she might have reportedly him previously and not had the right outcome. Perhaps she’s **** scared of reporting him and him finding out before any action has been taken and being on the receiving end of another beating. I don’t really think we should be questioning her actions. The spotlight should firmly be on him.
Jail him and introduce strict DBS checking for professional athletes. With clubs having academies they do in a sense work with kids. But mainly it would be one hell of a deterrent - violence or sexual offence on record = no career
Recording from 2021. I think she's gone to the police and she's Lost patience with them and lost control and put it out their. Thoughts are with her and her family and of course greenwoods family as they will be mortified too.
A lad I work with has just posted on Facebook saying the following: "This Mason Greenwood thing. Summat not rite. Looks like fake blood to me. How can she record him 2? I believe nothing till he's proven guilty" This is what women are up against.
Does seem strange instead of going straight to coppers ill upload it all on social media. But then again do people still have trials or do we just decide guilt before. Im not condoning it just keeping a open mind innocent before proven guilty and all that.