Is it heck, I can tell you for an absolute fact that my parents and tons of people at my work won’t have a clue about any of this. Even if they hear it mentioned on the news they’ll forget his name within a second and would have no recollection of it by the time it would get to a court in 2024/25 most likely.
When did i say the vast majority of rapist did nothing wrong? I just said i would have gone to the police before Instagram. Maybe your different.
No idea why a woman might feel like the police aren't the best place to turn to for something like this.
Well... here you posted... And as I pointed out, the massive majority of rapes don't get all the way to guilt from a jury, so logically by stating you'd need to be satisfied by a judge and jury, you've dismissed literally tens of thousands of rapes. It's dead simple logic based on your post. And as for the opposite of logic, how about you assuming that the victim hadn't gone to the police before she went to Instagram? Have you a shred of evidence that is the case? If not; why have you assumed she'd do something that stupid, but when it comes to a rape allegation, there's no assumption of wrongdoing at all - you're on the presumption of his innocence. Very fair minded.
But she has gone to gmp as they are investigating. All i said is i would have gone to them 1st before social media things like that can ruin the trial.
But that’s not all you said (as I reposted above). In fact it’s not even what you posted originally, not even close! You posted that you’d have gone to the police not instagram. Now you’re posting that she has indeed gone to the police. They’re not similar, they’re opposites.
I said i would have gone to the police before Instagram but she has done it other way round. It can ruin the case. And like i said i dont doubt her nor am i saying he hasnt done these things but i will let the police and courts deal with it innocent until proven.
Her father says her account was hacked and she never intended it to come out. Possible she won’t press charges going by what he’s said. Won’t make any difference though, police can still charge in rape / domestic abuse situations
A victim of alleged domestic abuse and rape putting the evidence on social media is in no way similar to Tommy Robinson livestreaming video of defendants in an ongoing trial so as to foment resentment and violence. It's not an appropriate or tasteful comparison.
alternatively it makes it harder to get hushed up and swept under the carpet. She wouldn’t be the first to try to withdraw charges. And that’s not a go at her , I can’t begin to understand the battered wife thing and why partners forgive scumbags.
This might start an avalanche. I doubt he's the only bad apple in Football. I reckon more will come forward now.
I’m not a lawyer so I’ll defer to anyone on here who is and if you are fair enough. But I don’t think any lawyer would advise their client to release evidence like that on the internet before an arrest or trial. I might be wrong of course but I just don’t see what advantage it gives her for getting him pur away or punished legally, all it gives is something for the defence to use against her as being unstable/vindictive/questionable motives/etc because I’m sure that the first question id ask her as a defence council would be why, if you thought a crime had been committed did you not go to the police first? It maybe she didn’t mean it to go out or something happened that we don’t know about so it’s speculation but on the face of it it doesn’t seem wise to me.
I've never been the victim of domestic abuse. I don't know the particulars of this, I haven’t looked it up and I won't be doing. I don't know the woman in question. I have been scared though. I've been in situations where I've been worried for my physical well-being, possibly even my life. My actions to get out of that were not with one eye on a trial or how I might prejudice it. They were self preservation, nothing more or less. I also have a dear friend who was the victim of domestic abuse. I have some idea of how terrifying it can be, although I know, even though I've listened and continue to listen, I'll never really know what it was like. I'm not prejudging this. I'm not claiming anyone is guilty. But neither am I questioning the actions of someone who may have been terrified.
Did you reply to the right person? I just commented that finding 12 people who haven’t heard about this wouldn’t be difficult.