In the 90s Ryan Giggs beat up his girlfriend in a nightclub and broke her nose. She declined to press charges and he carried on playing as if nothing had happened. Hopefully if he's found guilty at his pending trial it will be the end of him in football.
This. The fact she recorded it and you would think he didn’t know she was, this in turn would hint at it was not a one off incident. If the above is close to correct, then to take her actions could suggest genuine desperation to escape the situation. I’d have thought at this point her priority and sole focus was not getting a conviction but escaping an awful situation. If it turns out to be a false accusation then she should be criticised, until then worse case scenario is it shines a light on an issue that goes on behind close doors.
Thankfully the world has moved on since then and in someways improved, Lee Hughes killed someone drink driving and returned to Professional Football. Unfortunately though even if convicted, I suspect all he will do is move abroad. Difficult to see him ever play for England again though.
Personally I think it’s better ‘ out there’ in this case, because the pressure on her to cover it up would have been enormous.