Reading these threads in order @Redhelen i did worry as i read the response ‘Me too’ after @Stephen Dawson. Happy Christmas everyone
My mate who I've gone to the match with for the last 30 years couldn't make it today and I really couldn't be arsed myself. I don't know what that means because we're winning regularly but it all seems a bit banal and dull at the moment .
Obviously I'm not speaking for him, but I suspect for a lot of people it's just life in general taking away people's enjoyment and fulfilment. I'd often find it tough when in a hard spot in life to go games, despite it being something I've loved all my life
I was thinking along same lines. There's usually sumat up if you can't take enjoyment in things you love. That's what depression was/is like for me.
I am interested to know , where in the ground were you sat to judge that he was offside ? I was in the west stand & from our view he looked clearly on considering where Cadden released the ball . Not being argumentative just curious as to what angle you were looking from .
Jesmond. Watching on telly. Looked offside, but obviously not the best angle. As I said, though....couldn't give a chuff..
I watched it on telly too, seemed just on side to me, but Cole's reaction (I think he looked straight at assistant ref too) seemed to me that even he thought he'd be offside!
Looks onside to me on highlights (Thought so from my position in the east lower as well. I wasn't in line, tbf) He's squared the ball across and not forward and if anything Cole is not forward of and at worst level with Cadden.
Just got back had a great Saturday in Barnsley, granbairns had a great day, tarn centre, love it, said it before a tarn centre to be proud of. Great win, was on abart the players looking tired apparently a bug in camp. Great win, 2 games in hand, C,O,Y,R,