Can I just say how sad it is that the all consuming pursuit of celebrity at any cost has now robbed the country of the services of a first rate statesman, whose sheer ability to drive us forward in times of crisis is matched only by his unimpeachable integrity. It is my only desire that this political heavyweight be given another chance to return to his much beloved role in public service and build on his stellar achievements for the greater good of us all.
If...and it's a massive if...there is a proper inquiry into the pandemic this chancer should be jailed for corporate manslaughter. Odious individual.
At the very least he should have his pay reduced for the time he's out of the country, just as the buffoon should have his pay reduced for the time he was away earning £150k a shot for a speech in the usa and then a fortnight's holiday in the caribbean. they're taking the p155.
His actions killed thousands and ruined the lives of a number that will never truly be understood. I'd piss myself laughing watching the evil ******* suffer a painful death personally.
Interesting that Jacob Rees Mogg had plenty to say about paid public servants working from home, but remains tight lipped about this public servant cavorting around on the other side of the world for his own deluded aggrandisement He's explained himself there in a column.
After all he put people through he's now galavanting off to that for a payday. Absolutely no time for him whatsoever (that's the polite version).
Too many people playing the game, power for power's sake, self-aggrandizement, money. Not enough driven by a real desire for social change with proper ethics and integrity irrespective of the political camp.
Love this maybe an idea for a spin off ' I'm a conservative get me suspended here '( by the ********) think that would be a ratings winner.
It’s either about the pay or the attention, people don’t make a prat of themselves on there out of altruism.
Against my better judgement I did read the Sun Article that Dreamboy posted according to Matt its definitely alturism - if he is quoted correctly (and it is the Sun so its not really all that likely) "I think it’s a great opportunity to talk directly to people who aren’t always interested in politics, even if they care very much about how our country’s run. It’s our job as politicians to go to where the people are — not to sit in ivory towers in Westminster." and "There were those who got their news from brilliant shows like This Morning, Loose Women and Gogglebox. It’s popular TV shows like these — and I’m A Celebrity . . . , of course — that help to deliver important messages to the masses." I'm a Celebrity delivers important news to the masses! Has Hancock ever watched it or has Mad Nads told him porkies about whats involved, hope its the latter and he doesnt know what to expect