Images of DePfeffel murdering a family of five have just emerged. A Government spokesperson said. “Regrettably these people are dead, but we should bear in mind that at some point in time they would have died anyway.” The Prime Minister has apologised and now considers the matter closed. I have to point out that I made this up. Not that you’d know.
Im sure if they were carrying on like that in their workplace they'd be in deep trouble too. He's the Health Secretary in a public building. I mean........classless oaf.
Yeah, I get your point and agree with it. But suggesting that the entire population of the country, bar that pri ck, are following the rules is a bit of a stretch.
It was a conceptual quote - the concept being he was parroting about social distancing whilst he wasn't himself Maybe "Do as I say, not as I do" would have been better
I have eyes, unfortunately as I'm not a robot my eyes don't convert everything I see into a video format I can upload on here.
It might not seem it, but I think Hancock is done for. Although rules of regular politics would appear to apply less to this government, for whatever reason, some group is out to get Hancock and it shows no sign of letting up. There will be a point where even DePfeffel will realise there is harm in a concerted push to get rid of him and holding firm to prevent it. The target may well shift at that point, or he jettisons Hancock before he is perceived to be weakened. I'm going to expect a series of stories from the Sun. It's also telling there isn't much from tory MP's defending him like there was for Patel. I'll be surprised if Hancock survives for much longer.
Not sure if anyone's shared this here's the link to Hancock at the time of Professor Neil Ferguson getting caught "stepping out"
Few weeks ago I heard some fella talking about how Cummings not only had a network of spies in Whitehall but was installing his own CCTV cameras and sound recording. (Obviously learned a lot in his time in Russia.) He thought that when Cummings spilt the beans at the parliamentary committee, he was setting the stage. He’d then bide his time and drip feed photographic evidence. This might only be the beginning. Who knows what he’s got on Johnson?