What has Chansiri got to gain by lying though? Nobody likes him or gives a 5hit what he says or thinks anyway. That would make me inclined to think he's telling the truth. On the other hand Darren Moore has said it wasn't down to money and has said nothing since.
I think you mean slander mate, and Moore might well be but he's probably doing the decent thing and not shouting it from the rooftops. Out of the two I know who's version of events I'm inclined to believe...
I was going to make the same comment but then thought @Stephen Dawson was asking why Moore wasnt suing Chanrassi for Libel in which case Libel is the correct word as Chanrasis statement was written. I suspect the reason Moore isnt suing Chanrassi is its just not worth the hassle. Were Chanrassi to sue Moore it would be for Slander but it would be really hard to prove unless he taped their meetings
Yeah, you're right. BTW I really like the fact that you misspell the owner of SW's name different every time. Made me chuckle that did
Probably because to engage a specialist solicitor will cost you £10k+ and taking it to court would push that to £100k+. Libel is a game for the rich only.
He could support his claims if the changes in DM wages are correct. Wouldn’t prove everything but I seem to recall when it first happened it was claimed DM asked for parity for Championship wages yet Chansiri is claiming he had an increase when relegated. What I found interesting in that statement was the claim that it was he who had to inspire them to overturn Posh as they didn’t believe.
And thar there is no set budgets for this players, someone just had to convince him to spend the money
Agreed - you've got to remember Moore probably wants a continued career in football management. Suing your old employee, however justified it might be, is hardly going to have future chairman chomping at the bit to take you on is it? Best thing Moore can do now is say nowt.
Sort of. How long would Moore leave it whilst SW owner keeps spouting rubbish though? One version of events must be true. Either Chansiri is spouting rubbish to save his back or Moore asked for £1.2 Million. If Moore says nothing then to any prospective Chairmen Chansiri must be right, so they aren't going to take him on anyway. Nobody would want to pay Moore £1.2 Million for a Championship manager would they? So Moore's on a hiding to nothing, damned if you do, damned if you don't