Social Care has been shafted for years. I can't speak for every council but I know Leeds CC has trained circa 200 people since April to work in care homes or as support workers. That's the council mind, with **** all money. They also spent £7m on a charter plane to buy their own PPE from China. You can't use them if you don't have the staff. See: not funding NHS. Anyone hear any criticism of private hospitals like Nuffield or BUPA? Barely a whisper..
We all have personal experiences that shape our views. And in your shoes if I could safely see family then I'd be the same. Thing is , if we let COVID run rampant I've a feeling there would be suicides due to losing loved ones and the guilt of not being with them etc etc. And maybe your wife may still have gone through the same with the even darker cloud of more COVID deaths? You have been through the ringer, just glad that your wife has got the family support she needs.
I'm not quite sure what they are suggesting though. We seem to have made a mess of the track and trace system, the only hope on the horizon seems to be the vaccine in all honesty.
Sorry to hear that, I understand your point of view completely and I'm sure I'd be thinking the same in your shoes. As I said in another post, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't, no single policy will be the best for everyone. However, locking down is the policy of choice throughout the world with very few exceptions. The UK response has been particularly inept. This forum, as wide ranging in it's scope as it is, is maybe not the best place to be arguing these issues. I wish you the best mate and please pass my best wishes to your wife.
As I say I'm taking a step back from posting on here on the issue for a bit. And I certainly don't feel any ill will to anyone who disagrees with me. Thank you for the kind thoughts, its appreciated.
You really should read what you link to rather than just the headlines. When you have, get back to me.
We are better off up here. It's sobering seeing the figures down south. Here at the figures announced earlier for the past 24 hours to see the North/South difference. Kirklees: 89 infections from 21,177 tests. Barnsley: 52 infections from 11,516 tests. Hackney & City of London: 366 infections from 8,059 tests. Barking & Dagenham: 427 infections from 7,868 tests.
do people go for a test too easily , over 21 thousand tests and only 89 had it,suppose better to be safe than sorry, but all those people got it so wrong
We have four community testing sites in Kirklees which since midday Friday are now going to be open 8 till 8 most days. You can just pop in without an appointment and you get tested by the RAF and get your result back within a hour. I plan to go for one next week. It's worth it to know you aren't spreading it even if you feel fine and we want to get out of tier 3. Was just reading the biggest rises in tier 4 areas are in Thurrock and Rochford where both places have gone up 200% in a week. Thurrock: 436 cases from 6,322 tests. Rochford: 150 cases from 2,284 tests. I hope that Barnsley get the chance to do the same community testing ASAP so the small rise over the past week doesn't continue to go up.
I ******* hate the conservatives. They have caused this. Vitriolic arguments between you all. People who more than likely want the same thing. But their pussyfooting around the whole thing has caused divisions in the North, which just makes me sad. If you voted for this shower, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.
Not that I think this ******* fake Labour opposition would do anything. No more Labour than Ted ******* Heath or Tony Cunting Blair. New Labour. New Danger.