I'm lucky enough to have never really required anything other than fairly standard painkillers and antibiotics so it's never been an issue. But yes, of course I would research any drugs I was prescribed. Particularly any that are only a few months old.
Plenty of Jimmy Birkbys on this forum lately Vaccine passport? Fo a virus wi a 110.999999% recovery rate? Absyolute fyyyuuuuckin scyyam
Another "I'm a better human being than you" thread. (NOT directed at any one person, by the way.) Quality.
Are there really? I can't say I've seen many. Equating anybody who doesn't share your viewpoint to that daft tw*t doesn't do you any favours.
Asprin kills up to 3000 people a year in Britain, yet save 7000 deaths a year. That's not a good ratio is it? But yet we still use it all the time. And we're not talking about people who are allergic to asprin, just people who the blood thinning side effects cause unfortunate death.
I don’t believe there is a risk to me taking it so it’s pretty easy for me to make my mind up. If I did think there was a tiny, tiny risk I’d still decide to take it for the benefit of others and potential benefit to me against Covid. If I thought there was a tiny risk from taking it but was happy to sit back and let others take that risk despite me being young and healthy before taking it myself, I’d feel a bit shitty. I was one of the first lots of babies to get the MMR when it became available for the public, my mam said she had a choice to make and had to trust it was safe and also to help play the part in getting others to trust in it. My mam having me done encouraged some of her mates to have their kids done. I can now play that same role again as an adult in helping others to feel confident in it. I’m not going to hide and be scared when it has been through all the approval processes needed. Ironically, it seems to be the people who are mocking those who have been more willing to take precautions during all this (e.g. wear a mask without complaining, social distance etc.) as being ‘scared to death’ even though they were doing that to help others, not themselves, that now seem to be ‘scared to death’ of having this vaccine and once again are mocking those who are having it. And to get clear by ‘the same people’ I mean Deetee.
If I was in charge, I’d have halted foreign travel January 2020, introduced a quarantine for those returning and probably saved a tenth of a million people’s lives instead of these limp wristed frauds playing the popularity game.
Given your experience in this area I could really use some advice around mental health care. Would you be open to a PM on the matter?
Define ‘medical coercion’. If you mean, is it ok for us to be told that the medical and public health view is that having the vaccine is a good idea, then yep, very much in favour (because the evidence strongly indicates that it is). If you mean forced vaccinations, then no, that’s a terrible idea - but no one’s suggesting we do that. I can understand some people being a bit nervous about having what’s perceived to be a ‘new’ treatment, but all the evidence suggests that it’s extremely low risk, certainly much lower than the risk posed to the average person by COVID. And I think we’re not very good at taking about risk - it’s pointless calling something ‘safe’ because very little is actually safe when you get down to it. Driving to Leeds isn’t ‘safe’ in the truest sense of the word, people die on the motorway. But it’s perceived as sufficiently low risk that most people wouldn’t think twice about doing it. Same with vaccinations: they’re not safe, they’re just very very low risk and miles better than the alternative.
Certainly not criticising your opinion, but I would say the risks of catching it far outweigh the risks of being vaccinated, even as a young person. The son of a friend is a 6 foot six, 20 odd year old University rower...he caught it in Italy last April, he spent 10 weeks in bed and 11 months on is still badly affected...a young lad in our bank, 23 yrs old has just got back to work after 5 months off...he told me he still feels ill and worryingly that his heart actually hurts when he's in bed.
Exactly- and that's just two people you know. Yet 80 blood clots out of 18 million and people are panicking. Its ridiculous.
All the debate here and we’ve ignored the elephant in the room. Take up rates for the vaccine have smashed even the most ambitious predictions, and were approaching herd immunity. but y’know, let’s pretend there’s an actual issue regarding people needing to be forced to take the vaccine.
We are currently approaching half-way to herd immunity in the UK population. With 90% vaccine efficacy it requires about 45-50m people to have both doses to reach that threshold (depending on R0).