If you read again I said “There had better be a decent replacement lined up who can fit in immediately” didn’t say anywhere if I though we had or had not but it would be utter madness at this point in the season to sell someone who’s contributed as much as pottsy in a position that we have very little back up?
Sorry: I thought you were talking about what we'd paid for them. I didn't read it properly because I'm in a proper funk.
Surely we never paid 500k for McCarthy it was quoted as 300k at the time and we made profit on Pearson and kransmuller "allegedly"
Do you think the new owners read the press reports of their takeover and thought they were buying Burnley??
The problem is he’s the exception rather than the rule. Most of the replacements take a while to get going, many don’t even start to show much until their second season with us
All our player sales and signing on fees during their time in ownership our club should be sitting on a pretty penny. If we get to see is another matter. We wouldn't want ill feeling like Blackpool have with the Oystons chanting at games where as our money gone.
We don't know if that exists any longer. Likely all wrapped up in sale somewhere disappeared. So we are starting with an empty pott (pun intended) again. So now we look like we need to sell to build the coffers in order to reinvest. Edit. Sorry re-read it..... in that case it's not as much but I don't see any reinvesting at the moment