I genuinely don't even know who we're playing, in what competition, or why. That last message was from my phone, I'm now sat at my computer and I'm going to find out what's going on.
It appears we're playing Blackpool, it's only half 8, but 70 minutes have gone. And I've tuned in to some kind of ASMR commentary. I have no idea what's going on.
I didn’t until my son asked me to buy it at ten to 7 I foolishly agreed We were much the better team first half but have been very poor second unfortunately. Mcatee did well first half but got injured scoring …he put Watters on which was probably the wrong decision as they struggled with Mcatees skill. Jalo seemed the obvious choice Watters missed a pretty easy chance and within a minute it was 1-1
I'm a much bigger fan of Watters than most, but it seems obvious to me that if you start the game with Cosgrove and McAtee, and have Watters and Jalo on the bench, then Watters is the replacement for Cosgrove and Jalo the replacement for McAtee.
yep exactly that. They struggled with Mcatees skills so Jalo seemed the obvious choice they should have just had a stonewall penalty