So many tricks on that job, from cutting cabbages,broccoli, cauli etc in dark cos they weighed more(paid by tonne), filling the bottom of sprout bags with stalks/leaves, chucking mud in bottom of potato sacks. Even knew couple of lads who would deliberately confuse the person counting the sprout bags to keep adding phantom bags on.
They live off their wits and know every trick in the book. A travelling family took over our local fish shop and used to drink in the same WMC as I did. I was a good darts player back in the day, so one of the sons asked me to help him over Doncaster Race week at the Leger Fair at Doncaster Racecourse. He ran a strip board stall. Basically it's a board with coloured strips on it with odds from 2-1 up to 20-1. You placed your stake on a colour and the stallholder would give you a dart. Hit the strip you selected and he paid out. It dawned on me after a while that some of the better dart players round the booth were working for the owner. He called them " Geers" because they were geeing the public up to bet on the throwers accuracy to cover his bet. Once there was a load of money on the board from punters joining in on the throwers selection, he would deliberately miss. I only went that one time because I didn't agree with the public being ripped off. The Police would turn up mid session with a fine because none of them had a licence. He made a good living from working the various Fairs and the Fish shop. Him and his brothers all had top range Mercs.
Rhubarb farming is local to us. Not sure they need staff, it is highly nutritious, if cooked properly. Arise the rhubarb triangle!