Mindless vandalism on the North Yorks Moor Railway.. devastating !!

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Mr Badger, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. tyk

    tykesfan Well-Known Member

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    Apologies mate, my mistake. Time for bed in Dubai
  2. monkey tennis

    monkey tennis Well-Known Member

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    Beddubais ?, sithi.
  3. DusThaNoIII

    DusThaNoIII Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Finding it hilarious how much you've projected on me in this thread and happy to insult you personally. Still managing to miss the point that I think it is sad and the perpetrators should be punished but I took exception to the horrible way you and Mr Badger were talking about people, and I fully stand by it.
    Carlycu5tard likes this.
  4. Prince of Risborough

    Prince of Risborough Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Persistent little chap aren't you?:)
    I'm sure the NYMR people will be delighted that you are "sad" about all the inconvenience caused to their marvellous preservation project by these pesky little boys. You didn't answer my question yesterday by the way - I asked if u had seen the local news piece where they showed the devastation in graphic detail. Lots to be "sad" about there, wouldn't you say?
  5. fit

    fitzytyke2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I've heard it was Yiadom that did it. Definitely wasn't Bree.
  6. fir

    fired Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    Read some but not all of the replies in this thread. We were in Pickering this afternoon. The sense of hurt is palpable. It may be "just some old.trains" but it's people's love and labour. We were in the Co op and a woman in the queue broke down in tears..Her husband guessing in his 80s,, who was less than stea, dy on his feet had devoted hours of his time.to helping restore one of the carriages. Co op were collecting donations, and whilst we chipped.in it makes you wonder what is the point when.some stupid lowlife destroys it all for a laugh. Gutted for the.folks concerned. Definitely not just some old trains. It's people's time, effort and.memories.
    BFC Dave likes this.
  7. Skryptic

    Skryptic Well-Known Member

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  8. Prince of Risborough

    Prince of Risborough Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Well said Fiona. Wouldn't it be nice if those on here who have trivialised this since yesterday could go and see it for themselves.

    Not holding my breath though
  9. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    I can see your point but frankly if somebody doesn't want the rest of the world to call them cnuts or scum then they shouldn't behave like cnuts or scum.

    Abusing somebody for the colour of their skin or their religion or nationality, hair colour, disability, gender or anything like that is totally out of order but abusing somebody for being lowlife scum who committed crimes, destroy property and cause emotional distress to innocent people is absolutely acceptable for me? If they don't like it the solution is simple. Don't be a dick
  10. Prince of Risborough

    Prince of Risborough Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Exactly my point but I clearly failed to make him understand that. He was more interested in criticising my, and Badger's, views on the lowlife population of this country. Like a plague of urban rats their numbers seem to be growing. There are many reasons for that but no amount of social or economic disadvantage gives anyone the right to wantonly smash up a thing of aesthetic beauty, not to mention something of great value.

    I despair at the way things are going, and it's not just limited to deprived urban areas, as witnessed in this incident in rural North Yorkshire. A few years ago, when I was lucky enough to live in Princes Risborough, a few of their scum brethren smashed up a story board display that had been mounted on a high hill, above the Whiteleaf Cross chalk carving that is visible for miles as you approach the town. This had been created many years before and told the story of the ancient settlers in that area, bringing the story up to date with superb artwork and vivid descriptions. It was attached to the back of a long bench which, inevitably, was also damaged irreparably. The Friends of Whiteleaf Hill went to great pains to restore the bench (about twenty feet long) but the storyboard was lost for ever. Bits of it even turned up in the back alleys of the town for weeks afterwards, mixed with the discarded Red Bull cans, crisp packets and used needles. Yes...even in places like leafy Princes Risborough.

    What makes people do things like this? Where is the pleasure in smashing something up for no reason whatsoever - something that has been created for everyone's education, and pleasure. I don't want to hear the bleeding heart excuses like "they're only kids...it was because they were bored....it's only an old bit of wood/old train" etc etc. I want these feral creatures caught and punished severely for what they have done. I don't care how right wing, or draconian, that sounds. Decent people have a right to enjoy things that have been created at great expense by people who have often freely given their time. The lowlifes who only want to destroy such things have to be stopped somehow. I fear it's a losing battle though.....
    Simon De Montforte likes this.
  11. Mr Badger

    Mr Badger Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Ah but, it's only a bench.
    Sorry PoR, couldn't resist.
    I'm so heartless, evil and nasty it's untrue.
  12. Prince of Risborough

    Prince of Risborough Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    You should be ashamed ;)
  13. Carlycu5tard

    Carlycu5tard Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    The Psychological View of Why Children Vandalize
    In the world today, there are many forms of violence. Such as physical, emotional, and psychological, just to name a few. I have the belief in my heart that any form of violence was wrong and the cause of why this act was performed needed to be discovered and the solution obtained.

    Since the beginning of time, there has been vandalism. In the dictionary, vandalism is defined as the spirit and conduct of vandals as cruelty and hostility of willful or malicious destruction of ones property (Dictionary pg. 1569). In just the United States alone, vandalism costs total to millions of dollars in damages yearly and in most situations the cost to have the characters removed are paid for by businesses, schools, the government, or by individual victims (World Book pg. 1503).

    Most of the time, adults who vandalize use it as an act of revenge on a certain individual or several people, though sometimes it is a way of expressing a political opinion (World Book pg. 1502). Information collected from several surveys showed that boys tend to vandalize more than girls do, although the level of obedience and respect in both sexes tends to decide whether they commit this act or not. Also a young vandal can be spotted by the way her/his peers act and the way she/he acts around them (Bard).

    Vandalism in young adults is usually caused by peer pressure. Young adults believe they look “cool” when they disobey authority be it parental or civil. This simple act of rebellion is when the most vandalism occurs because the vandal is trying to prove they are independent (CWRU). During adolescence, a developing child will spend more time with their peers when than when they were younger. Due to increased contact, it is likely that adolescents influence each other more than when they were children (Bard). As a result, adolescents with high achieving friends are more likely to be involved in a wholesome peer environment, which as the outcome means that they are less likely to commit violent acts such as vandalism then adolescents that are involved with more of their delinquent peers. As a consequence of these decisions, young adults begin to rely on their friends to guide them through life more than their parents (Bard).

    Even though the public has stereotyped vandals to be in their teens, they are wrong. Vandals can range from any age starting at just the age of seven up until the age of sixty or in rarer case, higher (Bard). As a punishment to any vandal caught performing an act of vandalism that is below the age of eighteen, the parents of the culprit are forced to pay a fine to the owner of the property for the damages done and to the government. Yet this seldom happens because eighther the act is not large to pursue legal action, or it is to difficult to find enough proof to charge the vandal. (World Book pg. 1503).

    Even though there has been a decline in youth violence since the year 1994 to 1999, it is still a serious problem in the United States today. Unfortunately, not enough attention has been directed to preventing vandalism, which is one of the reasons it continues to be an obstacle in the United States today. Considering the fact more than three fourths of vandalism originates in schools in schools there is still very little being done preventing school-based crimes such as the defacement of public property (CWRU).

    Vandalism “sprees” usually occurs in “waves” and in groups. Translated into simple terms, this means that vandalism usually happens in a certain amount of time while the levels of intensity of vandalism vary while usually more than two people will deface a singular piece of property together. Today, with our busy society, children seem to be doing things more drastic just to earn the attention of their parents. The problems are the same, but the actions are more elaborate and attention grabbing. There are different reasons as to why vandalism occurs. Some do it because they are angry at life, while others do it because they don’t care or they want to fit in with their peers (Walden).

    One of the few ways that is used to help prevent vandalism is to teach children about respect. Children of all ages today feel as if adults are bossy and intimating people who like to punish those younger than them. If they can be taught earlier on that adults used to be children too and they faced the same challenges as adolescents of today do, then maybe there is hope for future generations in our quest to cease vandalism (Walden).

    Most parents feel that vandalism is plainly wrong and that those who commit the act should be punished. Most parents try to teach their child from right and wrong when they are younger, but as the family is swept away due to the demands of society, that lesson is soon forgotten. Just as a puppy needs to have a particular command reinforced several times during training, so does a child (Abercia).

    It is in the opinion of some trained professionals, that those who vandalize feel that they have no self worth, so they do whatever that is in their power to leave their mark. Graffiti marking is rather like an animal marking its territory, its instinct. To many people an area with visible graffiti in it has a high crime rate and it is not a safe place to reside and raise a family (Abercia).

    Unknowingly, vandalism has affected our lives in many ways, from our homes to our schools. Children are suffering everyday as a result of vandalism, even as they perform the act. With the help of people around the world, we can make our community a better place if we reach out to improve our surroundings and teach our children how to respect one another. Maybe someday in the future, the world will be a better place as a result of the lessons taught today.

    Lynn Gardner

    Works Cited
    Personal Interviews:

    Mrs. Karen Abercia; Teacher

    Dr. Susan Walden: Bachelors degree in English, Masters degree in Education and Counseling, Ph.D. in Counseling; Pin Oak Middle School: House B Counselor.


    “Webster Collage Dictionary.”, Philippines: Merriam-Webster Corporation.

    “World Book, 2003. Vandalism.” World Book Inc.: New York; New York, 2003.

    Web Sites:

    Boyd, Ebony M. “Adolescent Violence.”

    Case Western Reserve University http://www.cwru.edu/med/epidbio/mphp439/Adolescent_Violence.htm

    Chyung, Darling. “Varying Association Between Peer Problem Behavior and Adolescent Problem Behavior as Functional of Parental Rule Obedience.”

    Bard College http://inside.bard.edu/academic/specialproj/darling/lab/eadpapers.htm
    DusThaNoIII likes this.
  14. Sim

    Simon De Montforte Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    The people who make excuses for these lowlifes make the situation worse in my opinion. My mum and dad were brought up in the General Strike and didn't have two halfpennies to scratch their arse. However, they never resorted to vandalising or thieving and if my grandparents had got wind of any of that nonsense they would have have been severely disciplined. I was brought up by those same parents to respect people's, property, the law, teachers, the older generation etc and there were five of us brought up in a poor working class background. There are no just no excuses for wanton destruction.
    shed131 and Prince of Risborough like this.
  15. Prince of Risborough

    Prince of Risborough Well-Known Member

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    No amount of psychological theorising will make it right. You can try to educate these children as much as you like but they have an inbuilt resistance to authority and if anyone tries to tell them not to do something then it's certain they will go right out and do it.

    Respect comes from within, not from the front of a class. If they grow up with no respect for anything decent then it self-perpetuates, generation after generation.
  16. Carlycu5tard

    Carlycu5tard Well-Known Member

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    I think that's the point the article makes.

    Parents must regularly and repeatedly check the natural instinct to "make ones mark" or "become top dog" and apply those social norms we all want to respect. (as one does with a puppy)

    Parents are now busy. Both mothers and fathers work. Mortgages require two incomes. Parents replace love and attention with "things" which then undermines the childrens ability to place value on property. Children are not taught respect and good discipline - they are shouted at when they inconvenience their parents rather than taught respect. Schools refuse to be in locos parentis and have their ability to discipline removed (and then parents refuse to back the school over the child) which simply compounds the issue.

    Minor infractions, back chatting, disrespect in the home, etc are unchecked and the core drivers - a lack of "checking" and a lack of attention - means that an increasing number of children from all backgrounds - not just poor - resort to destructive and attention seeking behaviour - and when they get in groups peer pressure and their group emboldenment makes things worse.

    This behaviour can be simply nuisance, to alchohol and drug abuse to sexual promiscuity, hooliganism, violence, recklessness, petty theft and vandalism.

    Then as they do not have good parental role models and have not had parenting skills demonstrated to them - they do not know how to apply these to their children. So the cycle repeats.

    This is my interpretation of the science as presented - not my opinion.

    However my conclusion from my reading is that we have two options.

    1. Kill everyone.
    2. Everyone have a bit more time for our kids.

    I really really hope that if it does turn out to be the two lads who were arrested last night NYMR brings them in and gets them to meet the volunteers - and they are given some kind of community service helping to re-restore these carriages. Maybe that would be a decent outcome for all.

    Or they could be hung from a gibbett as Grosmont Crossing and their heads stuck on a spike on gates as a warning to others if you'd prefer..
    DusThaNoIII likes this.
  17. Skryptic

    Skryptic Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2015
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    Surely there's a happy medium, why don't we just chop their ******* hands off?
    Carlycu5tard and DusThaNoIII like this.
  18. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    The problem is that in the vast majority of cases the parents are terrible parents who shouldn't be allowed to breed. When they don't give a **** how can anyone else teach their kids respect?

    I don't buy the 'parents are busy' argument be bit either. My mum worked two jobs when she was bringing me up and yet she still managed to teach me right from wrong so if the parent WANTS to teach their kid right from wrong and to have a bit of respect then they WILL teach them that. To say 'im too busy to do my parental duties' is a pathetic cop out. I bet they aren't too busy to collect their child benefits though are they. On top of all that a lot of parents who fail to reach their kids respect don't even have jobs so how can the too busy argument hold any water?

    For me the solution is that the punishment needs to be harsher. Anyone over 13 committing acts of vandalism has to pay ALL costs back via the same method as a student loan.
    shed131 and DSLRed like this.

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