So sorry to hear this - just seems to be bad news all round at the minute! Thinking of you and your husband
Not my life. Everyday for the last year, no screen for me, just dealing with Joe Public, face to face, 25% of them on a good day are nearly civilised. gimme a screen or my own company everyday please, getting to old for this, counting down the next 5ish years til I jack it in and sail away, literally........
Sorry to hear that, Hopefully the Reds can spread a little joy for you tomorrow . Our thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.
I think we've been in the misinformation age for a very long time. It's now just delivered in a different way leveraged by many more people who haven't had the ability or means to do it before.
There’s always been information. Some of it factual, some invented and a million shades of grey between the truth and a lie. In an ideal world you sort through what you’re being told and make a rational judgement. But social media isn’t about being rational, it demands an instant emotional response. For manipulators it’s a dream. No need to worry about information or rational thought when playing on emotions, preying on fears and stoking up hatred gets instant results. The Anger Age.
It's a curious thing. Because the social media I use has little hate or anger to it, its more corporate, it's more community or its direct news sources for information. Its therefore rare I see things that generate much emotion at all. But what social media allows people to do is choose their poison and fill up on it til they can take little more. To pick a bubble and become incalcitrant. As you say, it's for others to filter, to ignore, to question or to digest whatever they are faced with and it's their choice. The difference now is misinformation is through obfuscation and volume. In years before these platforms it was direct from authority and institution. What social media and modern technology can allow is to shine a light through those old structures, but like anything, in the wrong hands, with the wrong intent, with the wrong values, it can be abused, misused and cause disruption.