Cover inside out, get your hands down to the bottom two corners, get the top two corners of the duvet and shake. Takes all of 1 lmin if that!
Having to chastise the wife for getting any of the aforementioned tasks wrong but I hope she realises i only do it to help her become a better person!!! Happy Valentines Day to my beautiful wife
Doesn't matter what I do as a chore, painting, washing up, hanging washing out, ironing, hoovering, I guarantee the wife will find some fault with it.
I hope she doesn't mind being called "the old deaf next door". They can often hear more than you imagine.
she is completely deaf to be fair and has taken to roaming the street at any hour not knowing what she’s doing so I don’t think she will mind what I call her!
Having to unload and load the dishwasher. I prefer the old fashioned pots because you have to rinse them off before you put them in anyway. Another gripe of mine is having to do Laura's pots when I haven't even been in. I can understand if it's a family meal and Laura has cooked. I'm more than happy then. However, sometimes I come home from work to a sink full of pots and expectant Laura wanting me to do the dishwasher. She has had George all day though. I suppose one chore isn't bad.